How to get ridd off your defaulting tenant (without losing money)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 @ 1:27 PM
Our legal adviser, Andrés Díez Bronzini, has prepare an article to explain the different options that a lanlord can take in Spain when tenants do not pay the rent. These are the three cases that Andrés has prepared. If you are interested in reading the article in full please click the link: Spanish legal advice
CASE ONE: John has rented his apartment to Ángel who has stopped paying the rent. John wants to recover the unpaid rent amounting to € 3,000 and get Ángel out of his apartment. How can John proceed?
CASE TWO: Imagine JOHN MANAGES TO EVICT ÁNGEL. JOHN FINDS A NEW TENANT, BUT THIS TIME JOHN INSISTS ON signing a special arbitration clause which means that any dispute between the landlord and the tenant must be resolved in a special arbitration process. MIGUEL, THE NEW TENANT, defaults on his first payment. how can get JOHN rid off MIGUEL THIS TIME?
CASE THREE: Imagine John manages to evict miguel and finds a new tenant. this time, before signing the renting contract with the new tenant, john signs an insurance policy which will pay for the default payments of the tenant. THE NEW TENANT DEFAULTS AFTER MONTH NO. 6. HOW CAN JOHN GET RID OFF THE NEW TENANT, JOSÉ?