Maria de Castro introduces Marta Pardo to the EOS world
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 1:09 PM
Dear All:
Yes, it is me. Maria de Castro and no, I am not a psychologist...
I know Marta Pardo since her very early years ( 4 years old). She is the daughter of a great surgeon and friend of my family and is a very...... beautiful.... Spanish...... psychologist.
As she is starting her profesional career, she came to see me ( I love mentorship) to study some work possibilities in the Family Law field.... then... I realized how helpful and useful she could be by providing some psychological orientation to you, EOS members in your journey to our lands, our culture, our society and our idiosincrasy .
I am fully sure that she will be a great "asset" to EyeonSpain.
Welcome in Marta.... just let you know who you are now and think you are among friends.
Best wishes,