Seville - It gets (very) hot
Monday, July 16, 2012 @ 6:04 PM
Welcome to my first blog post about my travel around Spain.
Having just last week been in Seville, sort of enjoying the lovely city, I thought I'd start with a post about this most fabulous of cities in Spain.
When I say "sort of enjoying" I mean that you need to pick the right time to visit Seville. July and August are NOT the months to enjoy a day there. It's just so incredibly boiling all the time with little respite from the searing heat.
I had been before but the last time was in November. I stayed there for a weekend with my wife and we just fell in love with the city. The temperature in November is very comfortable, unless you get a heavy rain day, so it leaves you able to explore the entire city without fear of your shoes melting.

Maybe last week I just felt the heat more as I had just returned from a trip to Scotland and flew into Seville airport. I picked up my Seville airport hire car and as I pulled out of the airport car park I read on the dashboard of the car that the temperature was an incredible 42 degrees.
Not one to let anything stand in my way I made my way into the city centre and parked up for the day.
Despite the heat, I did manage to see a few more things from this useful guide to 85 things to see in Seville.
I tried the Restaurante Miramar which was on the list and I wasn't disappointed. Wonderful seafood in a great location by the hot beach. To escape the heat I decided to head for the museum of flamenco dance which is definitely worth a visit and then finished the day off have a beer at La Fabrica de Cerveza where they make their own beer. There's nothing like an ice cold beer on a hot day.
Don't get me wrong, I rate Seville very highly in my most favourite places in Spain but I'm not sure it's an enjoyable in the summer months.