Oh, just to offer a piece of good news progress.
14th November I offered a blog post about our current debt, and the intention to go freelance/contracting.
Well hurrah - fate/universe did provide and a month after that I did start at a new workplace, having set my own limited company up and sealed the deal on a contract at over £500pd yay! I'm working very near where I have been for the last 3 years, so the London commute is still relatively ok : just a long train ride in from Sussex, but no tube.
I've been there for 4 weeks now, so already billed and received payment for some (which shows the company in profit already, what a great type of business to run!!) and by this point today, I have now earnt roughly enough to guarentee the family income for the next two months at least.
The contract is a 6 month, to mid June which could be perfect.
If all goes well, the plan would be:
- keep same family budget/income through all this year per month
- the above includes having £7k saved to cover not working through July and August, starting back in Sept
- save £5k towards the moving out/moving in costs
- possibly making a start in paying off the debts.
I also have a potential offer of a loan from a sibling to help towards clearing the debt (against family estate/will in the future)
Continuing to work from Sept onwards for a period of time eg 6, 9 or 12 months further should then:
- Allow to continue a circa £3k a month family budget : for Spain life and for UK/Spain split life and travel for me
- Clearing debt within hopefully a few months
- Saving to be able to invest in the home and land in Galicia : getting Pigs, cultivating the land, fixing up and improving the family home, maybe then in the future investing in building our own Yurt type ecohome.
- Affording trips back to see family, participate in things, come back for festivals.
fingers crossed. It's a big ask for it to all go smoothly