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Walking the world

Walking has always been a big part of my life. It is the most sustainable travel possible. Tread carefully on the earth.

Walking the World
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 @ 2:23 PM

Starting with Spain and Scotland, we really enjoy walking, and are delighted to have cultural links between the two countries which have come to fruition thorough the caminos, especially around La Coruna where we joined up with a famous flamenco dancer. We have been going to Spain for over 40 years, and now happily retired in Scotland and still do some walking there, as well as looking at orcas and other ceteceans in Scotland.  We have not been to watch orcas in Spain as yet, but we have been scuba diving there.  However, walking is the thing.  You can tell stories en route, meet up with other people. It is sustainable tourism at its best.  There is nothing like a walk and a talk in whatever language, while enjoying the magnificent scenery of either country.  There are many historical and cultural links between the two countries.

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