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Friday, January 28, 2011 @ 3:33 PM
Hello, and welcome to my new blog on well being. It's about being well and becoming well. It's about how to stay well and how to flourish.
My name is Christopher Dowrick. I'm a professor and family doctor living in Liverpool, UK. Mental health and well being are at the heart of my work.
Over the past twenty years I've helped thousands of people with mental health problems. I've also written lots of research papers and published several bo oks, including Beyond Depression,which aims to help family doctors see mental health in a more positive light. Instead of thinking of our patients as people suffering with mental illnesses, I explain how we do better to see them as persons, leading their lives as best they can, who sometimes need help when times are tough.
Many people with experience of mental health problems have told me that Beyond Depression speaks directly to them. This blog is for you, and people like you.
In the coming weeks and months I'll post a series of blogs on different aspects of well being, and on the art of well becoming.
Each blog will deal with an important element or ingredient of well being. I will start by writing about what to do when times are tough. Then I'll explain the importance of feeling at home; how we all need to be able to be alone sometimes; and about the benefits of finding both useful and enjoyable things to do.
I'll begin each blog by explaining why this particular ingredient is important for well being - drawing on practical experience, theory and research. I'll tell you how each element of well being affects me personally, and why it matters to others. I will give you examples from patients I've worked with, from literature and from public spaces. I'll tell you how you can use each element to improve your well being. And I'll make suggestions on where to find help, if you need it.
Sometimes my wife - Susan Martin - will join me in co-writing parts of these blogs. Sue is a psychologist and biologist, Amongst many other things, she runs Positive Thoughts courses to help people to make the very most of their lives. You can find out more on
So, welcome to my blog on well becoming. I'm looking forward to sharing - and flourishing - with you.
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