Sounds like some kind of new alternative therapy dealing with mirrors!
It's a person who has the ability to take on board new experiences and look at how these experiences improved them or moved them forward in their development. They then analyze these experiences on how they would improve their approach to that experience next time round.
By analyzing the experience first time they would then make changes in their approach and take something different from the experience at another time.
If you understood that last paragraph then chances are you will enjoy the rest of the article!
When working in the Health and Social Care field becoming a reflective practitioner is crucial to becoming an effective carer and it's not that different to becoming an efficient marketer online.
So many times we decide to try a different technique to spread our wings so to speak and when the results were not quite what we expected we give up didn't work. If we took it on board to become a Reflective Practitioner then we would learn from the outcome and reflect on how we approached the situation, what we have learnt from the outcome and how we approach it differently next time.
We view it as a learning process rather than results driven method to obtain the final outcome.
Many of us are online to build a business and make money. The Internet is 24/7 and global and we can work from anywhere. But just maybe that is the problem, we expect immediate results and when they do not come we move on to the next "solution" instead of reflecting on why it didn't work, what we have learnt from it and how we will change the way we do it next time.
We need to ask ourselves the questions
What tasks did we complete today?
What skills did we need to perform these tasks?
What do we feel we learnt today and how can we improve next time?
I know I get really frustrated when things do not work the way I felt they should have. Maybe I have learnt some new technique that I find exciting and when I try to put it in place there are a few glitches in my method or the system itself. It's really easy then to become discouraged and throw in the towel.
Then I remind myself that all those successful businesses online where not built in a day. I know we read the rags to riches stories all the time online but it's always important to remember the hours and hours of work and the sacrifices many of these people made to get to where they are right now.
At the end of the day becoming a Reflective Practitioner will not only allow us to improve our online marketing skills but it will also help to keep us focused to the task at hand. As we gain in experience things start to become easier and more clear and a light to to a future successful and viable business begins to shine
Video teaching course on building a blog.