There will be a short break in normal service!
Monday, April 22, 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Hello everyone. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me and sent such favourable feedback on the blogs. I am staggered that, although the blog has only been running for two months, I have almost 22,000 views. Obviously, I'm doing something right, because you all keep coming back for more.
Life is going to get in the way of blogging for about 10 days, so there'll be a bit of a lull from me. We're heading for the UK in our motor home tomorrow, driving up through Spain and France and crossing from Dunkirk to Dover on Thursday. We have a family wedding to attend on Saturday, and then we're spending a few days with friends. If I can get online, I'll post something, but it may be that I don't get Internet access until we arrive at our caravan in Bigbury Bay, Devon, on 3rd May.
We're spending three weeks there, and then we're heading for Portugal for 10 days or so before we come back home, so that may mean another break - unless I can get myself organised and write a few posts for the EOS editors to publish while I'm soaking up the sun in Portugal. We've never been before, so if anyone has any recommendations for 'must sees,' it would be really great.
Once again, thanks for all your encouragement and feedback, and I'll see you again very soon.