I've wanted a dog for years, but Tony has always said no. However, our close friends have gone back to the UK, taking their Miniature Schnauzers with them. We were pretty much foster parents to Bertie and Tikka, because we looked after them when they went to the UK, took them walks now and again and saw them almost every day, so I was really gutted to see them go. On Sunday, Tony suggested we see what dogs were up for adoption at the various animal shelters here.
When we saw Teddy on the K9 Club website, we just knew he was the dog for us. He was around 7 weeks old, and a Border Collie cross. He reminded us of our own Border Collie, Patch, who died at the ripe old age of 17 several years before we came to Spain. He had similar markings,and we'd always said if we had another dog, we'd want some sort of Collie.
What really tore at my heartstrings though was the back story behind Teddy. He'd been found, with his brother, at the side of the canal behind the K9 kennels. Teddy was covered in mud and barely alive, and his poor brother was already dead. That was on 7 March, but to look at him now, you'd never know he had such a terrible start in life. He's healthy, happy, and very affectionate. We already love him to bits, and couldn't imagine being without him.
What makes people treat animals - especially tiny, defenceless puppies - so badly? Why couldn't they just hand them in at the shelter, or even leave them outside the gate, rather than down by the canal? Then Teddy's brother might have been saved too. Sometimes, when I look at him sleeping peacefully, or zooming around the garden like a mad thing, I could weep for what he must have been through. Happily though, it doesn't seem to have affected him at all.
Why the name change? Two reasons really. First of all, Tony said no way was he going to stand on the terrace steps and shout 'Come here, Teddy'' for all the neighbours to hear. Secondly, Teddy became ours on March 17, St Patrick's Day. What else could we call him but Paddy?
The K9 club has at least another 11 dogs of varying ages who would love to find a new forever home like Paddy has. Is there room for a rescue dog in your heart and home? There are so many lovely dogs around the Costa Blanca who have either been abandoned or badly treated. One less dog to rehome is definitely a result. In the meantime, I'll keep you posted on Paddy's progress!