I have proof positive that Eye On Spain blog posts figure high in Google search results. Last Friday morning, I wrote an opinion piece about the 90,000 Brits that have allegedly returned to the UK from Spain. On Friday evening, I was contacted by a BBC researcher who was bringing a film crew to Spain to talk to British expats who were returning or staying, and find out more about what life is really like for expats in Spain.
I was pretty flattered that my seemingly innocuous post had attracted the attention of the BBC, so of course I agreed, although when they said they were filming over 100 miles away, it looked as if my media career would be over before it had even begun. However, they were keen to get my views on camera, so they agreed to come to me in Algorfa on Sunday morning. Since I was pretty emphatic that it is possible to eat cheaply in Spain if you eat like the Spanish do and shop at the markets, it was decided that the interview would be filmed at our local Sunday market.
When Sunday arrived, I was even more nervous than I was when I appeared on Mastermind back in 2007. You may think that sounds strange, but when I was on the quiz show, I knew that all I had t do was sit in that black chair and answer questions, whereas an on camera interview is something very different. I'm not media trained, and it's the first time I've done this, although I was interviewed on the radio for the Jeremy Vine Show last year. Again, that was because a researcher had picked up my blog post about the Winter Fuel Allowance.
I need not have worried, because the film crew were very helpful, and briefed me on the sort of questions the presenter would be asking. Basically we just wandered around the stalls in the sun, causing a stir among stall holders and shoppers alike. The stall holders were so delighted to be on the BBC they showered us with meat, fruit, cheese and fruit - so much so that I asked the film crew to come back next week and film at the paella stall at lunch time!
Since Sunday, I've heard that my piece on camera went really well. I still don't know when it will be aired - apparently it's for The One Show - but they'll let me know in plenty of time. All I'd ask is that my friends here on Eye On Spain resist the urge to sell their stories to the tabloids about how they knew me before I was famous. Even us media celebrities deserve a private life!
Edited to add: I just heard from Laura. The piece will air on The One Show at 8.00pm Spanish time on Monday 5 May. I've also discovered that another EOS blogger, Donna Gee, will also feature in the programme. EOS certainly gets you noticed!