It's summer, so it must be time to argue about driving in flip flops!
Thursday, July 10, 2014 @ 5:38 PM
I belong to a number of expat sites, Spain information groups and Facebook groups focused on Spain, and one thing I notice that often crops up is the subject of driving while wearing flip flops.They come up like last year's hardy annuals - the questions on forums 'Is it legal to drive in flip flops?' And people get unfriended on Facebook, banned from forums and all sorts of things if they try to answer the question in a way the question poser does not appreciate.
As far as the Spanish law goes, it's a bit ambiguous. There is no law that says you must not drive while wearing flip flops. However, there is a law that states that you must be in control of the vehicle at all times, which is a pretty reasonable request to make. I would argue that you can't be in control of the vehicle while wearing flip flops, because let's be honest, most of us are not in full control of our feet while wearing flip flops - especially if said flip flops are liberally laced with perspiration.
It's a common sense thing, really. When your foot is on the pedal, it needs to be able to do whatever is necessary to keep the vehicle and its inhabitants safe. Can you do that in flip flops? I don't think so, and neither do the Guardia Civil, who have fined at least three of my acquaintances who were driving while wearing flip flops. Were they fined because they were driving in flip flops? Maybe, maybe not, but the fact is they were fined. If they could honestly say they didn't break any rules of the road - and they did, most emphatically - then perhaps the flip flops swung it. Who knows?
If you really want to drive in flip flops, go ahead, but keep a pair of sensible shoes handy to slip into if you're stopped. And please don't pepper forums and expat sites with your insecurities. More importantly, don't lose it with people who are only trying to answer your question honestly and responsibly. I really don't want to see any more of my friends bullied just because they tried to help.