Fighting on the beaches - Law enforcement causes havoc among the sunbeds
Friday, August 8, 2014 @ 11:50 AM
You'd think hiring one of the iconic blue sunbeds on Benidorm beach would make for a relaxing day, wouldn't you? After all, for just 4 Euro each per bed and umbrella, you can buy your own little section of Paradise on Levante or Poniente Beach for the day. However, the sudden decision by the Ayuntamiento to implement the 1988 Coastal Act caused fighting on the beaches as Police tried to implement the letter of the law.
The law states that sunbeds must be placed at least 6 metres from the shoreline, to allow safe movement for swimmers, and access for emergency services. Pretty sensible, but the penalties for disobeying the law are eye watering. Typically, the hire contractors can be fined between 1000 and 5000 Euro for breaching the law, and if the Powers That Be want to make an example, they can fine transgressors up to 300,000 Euro.
Although the contractors understandably complied with the ruling, cheapskates like Mick Garvey of Benidorm fame decided to spread out their hotel towels and Chinese Bazaar umbrellas in the 6 metre No Man's Land between the sunbeds and the shore line. Understandably, the paying customers got a bit hot under the collar - or rather under the bikinis and Hawaiian shorts - about this. Temperatures soared way above the usual August high, and the Police tried their best to keep order.
Apparently, the ruling PP Party tried to implement the law a few years ago, but gave up after 10 days of incessant complaints from both law enforcers and disgruntled sunbathers. This attempt also looks doomed to failure. There was no prior warning, and the Ayuntamiento isn't even sure if the law applies to individuals as well as hire companies. It could only happen in Spain, couldn't it? Or could it?