You'd think Dave Bull would have enough on his plate already, wouldn't you? As the owner and daily Breakfast Show presenter on CBFM Radio, owner and Editor of All Abroad Magazine, patron of Samaritans in Spain, published author, blogger, Alicante guide and teacher of English as a second language, he doesn't get much time for relaxing in the Spanish sunshine.
Obviously he needs something else to keep him out of mischief though, because Dave and his son Mitch have just launched a unique fund raising initiative for AECC - Spain's national cancer charity, which has branches all over Spain. Most families are touched by Cancer at some time, and Dave's family is no exception.
When a close relative was recently diagnosed with the disease, Dave and his son Mitch decided to do
something constructive rather than turn up with grapes, flowers and sympathy. Being well over 6 feet tall, the boys would look a bit silly carrying flowers anyway, and Dave does a better line in sarcasm than sympathy.As for grapes - they both prefer them red, crushed and around 13% ABV.
However, both Dave and Mitch are keen sportsmen, and being fun-loving and generous guys, they decided to do something they loved while raising money for a cause which is now close to their hearts. The result is the Kayak Challenge. on 28 November 2015, Dave and Mitch will row 52 kilometers - that's around 32 miles in English money - from Murcia City to Guardamar along the River Segura.
Several events are planned to raise the profile of the challenge and attract sponsors for equipment and raise funds for AECC, as well as raising awareness of the work of Samaritans in Spain. Dave recently became a patron of the charity, and they deal with a lot of people who are either suffering from or caring for relatives with cancer, so it's a good chance to use his fame - or maybe that should be notoriety? - on the Costa Blanca to help two excellent causes.
Whenever Dave and Mitch - who is a chef in Gran Alacant - do anything, they throw everything they have into it, and training has started in earnest for the Kayak Challenge. According to Dave, Mitch is suffering rather more as a result of the training than he is, but then he is well known for being economical with the actuality on occasion!
The boys are looking good already, but it's a tough challenge, and they're going to need a lot of support and encouragement. To find out more about the Kayak Challenge, and to support Dave and Mitch without having to break a sweat, go to their Facebook page Rowing for Cancer. Like and share, and help to raise the profile of this excellent initiative, as well as raising much-needed funds for AECC. Stay tuned for more news on the Bull Boys!

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