In many ways, driving in Spain is easier than in the UK. The roads are better, and they're not so crowded. The only thing you need to watch out for are the Spanish drivers. As soon as he spots a British number plate - or any foreign number plate for that matter - the Spanish motorist morphs into Fernando Alonso. He simply must overtake, even on a bend or when there’s a solid white line in the road, which means no overtaking, just as it does in the UK. Make that especially on bends and solid white lines!
There’s a simple explanation for this. Your average Spaniard is very laid back and never in a hurry – unless he’s behind the wheel. Then, he just has to be there first. It’s nothing personal against the Brits, he’ll overtake anyone who isn’t going fast enough for him, which means just about everybody else on the road. That’s why when you’re already on a roundabout, a Spanish driver will leap out in front of you, because he knows he can get there first. Just make sure you’re ready for anything and don’t assume that because you have right of way you’ll have the roundabout to yourself.
Speaking of roundabouts, what's really annoying is the way the Spanish signal their intentions. They don’t, and you have to play Mystic Meg and guess where they’re heading. Again, a little basic knowledge of the Spanish character helps here. The average Spaniard is so full of his own importance behind the wheel he expects everyone to know what he’s doing and where he’s going. If you don’t guess right, it’s your fault, not his. He’s in a juggernaut, therefore it’s obvious he’s taking the motorway for Alicante. Why should he cut short his mobile call or stub out his cigarette just to let the other road users know?
It's catching, too - I often find myself doing exactly what I used to rail against the Spanish drivers for, and failing to signal on roundabouts. It's not so bad here, because if you do signal, you're in the minority, but it's earned me a few toots and old-fashioned looks back in the UK.
If you’re a pedestrian, take care when crossing the road, even on a pedestrian crossing. Make that especially on a pedestrian crossing. The Spanish view crossings as a challenge, not as a road safety measure, and the only time they’re likely to stop for you is if there is a policeman in attendance.
There are now red and white crossings on very busy roads in Spain, at which drivers are obliged to stop for pedestrians. Don’t bank on it, though, because nobody seems to have informed the Spanish motorists of their obligations, so they’ll sail across the red crossings happily.
The best way to get across the road safely is to try to cross where it’s patently dangerous to do so. The Spanish drivers will admire your spirit and disregard for the rules and will stop to let you across. I know, because it’s happened to me more than once, but don’t try it with young children in tow or while in possession of a zimmer frame.
Despite the quirkiness of Spanish drivers, I much prefer driving here to driving in the UK - I actually feel safer on Spanish roads, so don't let this tongue-in-cheek post put you off driving in Spain. Just be extra vigilant - particularly at roundabouts - and console yourself with the knowledge that at least the Spanish aren’t so fond of hooting their horns as the Italians.