Writing yesterday's blog post triggered a memory of something that happened years ago back in the UK. It doesn't have anything to do with Spain, apart from the reminder yesterday, but I think it's a story you'll enjoy, so it's worth sharing.
Back in the 1990s, my mother-in-law's Alzheimers became so bad that we had to have her admitted to a nursing home - we just couldn't cope at home any longer. I used to visit regularly, and chat to some of the other residents who didn't get visitors. One old lady was always dressed to go out, and given half a chance, she'd slip through the door and head for the shops. Usually she was apprehended immediately, but the frequency with which she attempted to break out earned her the nickname 'Mrs Houdini.'
Occasionally, she'd make it as far as the local shops, and because of her rather startling wardrobe, she was well known, and they'd give her a cup of tea and ring the home to collect her. Mrs Houdini didn't do colour co-ordination, in fact it seemed as if every day she tried to wear more colours than the day before. One particularly busy day, she managed to sneak out, and she wasn't missed until teatime. Matron checked out the local shops but drew a blank, so she called the local Police Station.
The desk sergeant asked what she was wearing, so Matron reeled off the day's ensemble: 'Purple and black checked coat, red straw hat, pink trainers, green socks and an orange shopping basket.' There was a long pause at the other end, and then the desk sergeant said, .'Madam, you do realise it's an offence to waste police time, don't you? Have you been drinking by any chance?' Before Matron could defend herself, he slammed the phone down.
Matron had to ring back and convince the desk sergeant that this was indeed what Mrs Houdini was wearing, and she was soon found safe and well sitting on a bench in the park. She certainly stood out from the crowd! After that incident, security was stepped up at the home, so Mrs Houdini's wandering days came to an end.