I love Tuesday nights - it's my Spanish class, and as I've mentioned before, we have a lot of fun, as well as learning to 'habla espanol' along the way. On the way home, I was surprised to see three Police cars coming away from our urbanisation. We get the odd one that patrols around, but they're not like London buses - they don't usually come in threes.
I was a bit perturbed, and I was wondering what could have happened to neccessitate a mob-handed approach on La Finca. Tony's face when I got back didn't add to the 'feel good factor' I'd left the Spanish class with.
'We've had the Police around,' he said. 'Patrick brought them - you need to go and apologise to Angela. I've tried, but they won't speak to me.'
Patrick and Angela are very good friends, and I couldn't imagine why they would have felt the need to bring the Police to our door - especially as we'd spent a very convivial afternoon with them before the Spanish class. Of course, I was on sparkling water, because I was driving, but we had a good laugh, and I couldn't imagine what could have happened in the intervening two hours to change that situation. I said the only thing possible in the circumstances.
'What have you done now, and how drunk were you when you did it?'
Apparently, he'd fallen asleep in the garden - which was hardly surprising, the amount of wine that had disappeared that afternoon. Then he'd woken up, decided he was too hot, and stripped off. Angela had gone to take her rubbish to the bin, seen him in his birthday suit - which was in serious need of ironing - and screamed for Patrick when Tony invited her to join him on the sun lounger.
I didn't believe this for a minute. For one thing, Tony just doesn't strip off in public, no matter how hot it is. For another thing, he's a bit like our late, lamented Border Collie, Patch. Patch loved to chase cars, but he'd never have known what to do with one if he'd caught it. Tony's like that with women - he'll admire a nicely turned ankle, but he'd run a mile if said ankle's owner showed the least bit of interest.
However, Tony was keeping a straight face - too straight for my liking - and I had seen those three Police cars, which was a very rare sight in Algorfa. The only way I could see to deal with the situation was to move away from Algorfa as soon as possible, but I had to make sure Patrick and Angela wouldn't be pressing charges, so I went along with my apologetic face on. They were just about to sit down to dinner, which seemed a bit strange, given Angela's traumatic experience. The thing was, she didn't look at all traumatised. I'm a writer - I notice these things.
By now, I was beginning to suspect I was the victim of a wind up - and I was right. Patrick had brought the Police to our door - but only so that Tony could tell them where the President lived, as they wanted to notify him of the annual meeting with the Chief of Police. Sometimes, I could quite happily murder my husband!