Hi All
Tony's right there are lot's of snake's about at the min... the snake in the photo is a
Montpellier snake
so watch out for this one the 2-metre long Montpellier snake. It is blue with a white underbelly -don't go picking one up to check- and has prominent ridges over the eyes. However, the position of its venom fangs means that you would be unlucky to have poison injected into you, and if you are, its venom is much weaker then the vipers.
If you are bitten by a snake, remain calm ( like i can see that happening ) and seek medical attention immediately. Bites only occur in the spring and summer as snakes hibernate. Of the estimated 50 snakebite deaths a year in Europe, only 3-6 occur in Spain, so don't worry too much More people die from bee and wasp stings...
if you would like to know more about snake's in spain then look at this web-site