Sub Community – Romero 6
Here’s a brief summary of the meeting held 23rd June 2008, part of this is an extract with thanks from IainM with details updated for Romero 6,
The meeting took about three hours and was held in English with some Spanish translation.
Resortalia, although a company with limited administration experience is a known and respected Law Firm in the Region, has been elected as the administration company.
The budget for 2008 has been approved for 1.5 million Euros for the whole community, with our buildings budget at 32,234.72€. It is a budget and as such, we may come in under or over at year end.
In law, we are responsible for making contributions to that budget w.e.f. the month following completion, so if you completed on 15.01.08 for example, then the first payment falls due 01.02.08.
Polaris has, however, agreed to take the charge for Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec (2007).
The overall budget is portioned out by building and is calculated based on the percentage that each building is allocated at the Land Registry. Each apartment is then charged on a percentage basis, based on the square metreage, this is as detailed in the title deed, isn't negotiable and is the law.
The budget or plan for 2008 was set in 2007. At the end of the day, the bills have to be paid but the administrator won't pay any bill without a factura (invoice), so if the pool for your building isn't ready and no charges are being made in respect of up-keep, then that part of the budget won't get spent.
The internal rules which were sent by Resortalia were discussed and approved.
Election of presidents for each building was made on a voluntary basis, it was suggested that residents were preferable. For some buildings there was no-one elected, so the Polaris rep maintains the presidency until another person is elected.
Once the block presidents had been elected, then a phase president was elected to represent the collective of the block presidents.
I was duly elected president for our building as I was the only one representing Romero 6, not sure whether that is a good thing or not yet!! . Until the President’s duties are fully understood I will concentrate reporting on issues that affect our building and surrounding area such as the lack of services, pool, lifts etc, to our phase President.
I proposed at the meeting that Polaris provide us with a schedule of when items, such as lifts and pools would be commissioned and working as we were all fed up of the missed deadlines or lack of knowledge from the call centre, Polaris have agreed to provide the schedule, not sure when though!
I understand that Resortalia will be contacting everyone with the details of each of the presidents and means of contacting them, but if you are in Romero 6 then please feel free to contact me.
I will only be on HR about 5-6 times per year so I would appreciate if I could have the eyes and ears of the residents of Romero 6 to report any issues to me that affect our local community. Thanks
Once I have all your details I will remain in contact and ensure that any information I receive will be communicated to you all as soon as I reasonably can. I will be back for 10 days from the 4th July and if anyone from Romero 6 is around then I would be more than pleased to meet with you, just drop me an e-mail...
Many thanks
Mike Hurley