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La Reserva de Marbella Manzana 2 And 3 forum threads
The Comments
06 Sep 2006 12:00 AM by BSCI oldboy Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

As per same thread from me on the other Reserva message board - seeking general update

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01 Dec 2006 2:28 PM by maddy.hall Star rating. 50 forum posts Send private message

Click here

This is in Spanish but hopefully somebody out there should be able to translate  . . .

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01 Dec 2006 3:02 PM by james 123 Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

More positive news!

An article from todays Sur in English newspaper which explains all: http://www.surinenglish.com/noticias.php?Noticia=9643

Also, please note that whilst the development may be irregular, I think it wise to refrain from using the word ´illegal´.  Having just completed, I can assure all that the paperwork is fine given the current situation at the Marbella town council and Junta de Andalucia.

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01 Dec 2006 3:53 PM by maddy.hall Star rating. 50 forum posts Send private message

01 Dec 2006 6:25 PM by jamesyvonne Star rating. 181 forum posts Send private message

just read your link does anyone out there translate the article. It talks of 168 properties at La reserva, mentions pennorya and illegal build case. 168 must meen block 7, manzana 3 so what next.!!!!!!

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02 Dec 2006 10:25 AM by Pammie Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

Can't speak Spanish, but got this transulated on Google



The manager initiates the regularización of common zones of 48 urbanizations The decision will allow to grant 250 licenses that were blocked the plenary session of the manager begins the revision of 24 work permissions

HÉCTOR BARBOTTA/MARBELLA REVISION OF LICENSES Powerboats: Jose Maria Garci'a Garci'a (Expte 7/96), Esso Española SA (Expte. 1178/02), Station on watch ML SA (Expte. 453/92), Mercantile Reposmar SL (Expte. 238/95), Reposmar SL (Expte. 202/95), Nagüeles SA (Expte. 44/96). Promotions: Lazanomar (Exptes. D-2102/04 and 844/05), Cratero2000 SL (Exptes. 1776/01), Mountain range Blanca Properties SL (Expte. 482/01), Hills of Virrey SL (1244/02), Incosol Park Club SL (Expte. 282/02), El Cantizal SA (Expte 292/00), Investments Gloria Maris SL (Expte. 1837/02), Investments Gloria Maris SL (Expte. 1836/02), the Reserve d e Marbella SA (Expte. 2260/02), the Reserve d e Marbella SA (Expte. 288/03), Investments Gloria Maris SL (Expte. 1829/02), Fadesa Inmobiliaria SA (Expte. 220/00), Grupo Empresas Prasa y CBR Inversiones SA (Expte. 1729/01), Proincosta SL (Expte. 1337/02), Huelva General Business SL (Expte. 497/02), New Promotions Gardenias SL (Expte. 695/02), New Airs 2002 SL (Expte. 497/02), Real estate Naviro 2000 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Expte. 904/01)

The plenary session of the manager of Marbella approved yesterday an urgent initiative presented/displayed by the vowel of Urbanism by which the City council initiates the regularización of avenues and green zones of 48 urbanizations distributed by all the municipal term. These spaces public still had not been transferred formally to the municipal dominion. The regularización of this situation, accumulated during twenty years of bad management of urbanism in the city, explained Duarte, will allow to unblock 250 licenses whose concession was paralyzed. According to the vowel, the bad management, made to the margin of the legal rules, had prevented until now formalizing the cession of advantages that corresponded to the City council, and shows laziness whereupon the previous municipal equipment was applied in the subjects public. This situation had prevented that the City council, once the manager became position of the municipal subjects, could grant licenses in the urbanizations, which had blocked 250 private works. The measurement affects urbanizations located in San Pedro, the New Andalusia, the North zone of Marbella, Nagüeles and the Plates. On the other hand, the plenary session of the manager decided to still initiate the revision of office of 24 licenses, that surely will be declared null not to adjust to the General Plan of 1986, effective in the city. Between the files they appear the corresponding ones to six powerboats, most of them already constructed and in operation and raised under protection of the city-planning abuse of the last years. Also they appear licenses that affect to a thousand of houses, among them the granted one in the 2000 to the promoter Cantizal - tie to the constructor imputed in the “Malayan case” Fidel San Roman, by whom the construction of 841 nonurbanizable ground houses was authorized. The list of licenses that will be reviewed includes those of the Reserve of Marbella, that affect the one to 168 houses and other to 97. This promotion belongs to the industralist Cristóbal Peñarroya, also imputed in the “Malayan operation”. Another one of the licenses that will be reviewed and is related to the “Malayan case” is the one of Huelva General Business, tie company to the Sevillian industralist Rafael González de Calda. Also the license granted in 2000 to Galician constructor Fadesa will be reviewed to raise to 80 houses and a hotel in Guadalmina, and two files of demolition will reopen Also one has remembered reopen two files of revision of licenses that already had been incoado previously. They correspond to Naviro, property of also imputed in the “Malayan case” Jose Avila Rojas, to whom had allowed itself to construct apartments him of hotel use in a green zone of the New Andalusia, and to a promotion of Incosol Park Club LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The manager also decided, to proposal of the vowels Eduardo Zorrilla and Miguel Diaz, to ask for the beginning of a file so that protected natural space to the New marsh of the Angel-Lake of the Turtles is declared. Also, to proposal of the vowel of Security, Blond Carlos, remembered grant a public congratulation to several members of the Local Police of Marbella that have participated in outstanding performances in the city by which also the National Hearing and the Main directorate of the Civil Guard have been recognized by.


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02 Dec 2006 10:33 AM by pacheran Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

google babelfish translation and paste a block of text for translation

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02 Dec 2006 1:24 PM by Suzie Star rating in England. 121 forum posts Send private message

The two blocks being reviewed are:

Manzana 6 (97 viviendas) &

Manzana 3, Block 7 (168 viviendas)

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03 Dec 2006 9:20 PM by james 123 Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

I can´t seem to see any date within the document translated.  It may be outdated.

As previously posted, please read the link  I am attaching as it is from Sur in English Friday 1st December 2006 . http://www.surinenglish.com/noticias.php?Noticia=9643

As previously suggested by kenny e, there appears to be enough evidence to conclude that La Reserva de Marbella will most likely be included in the 90% that the article states will be granted a full Occupation License after the local elections in April 2007.

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