Can anyone already living on site say how things are progressing over on Poligono M23? I know that the houses there are now built, but how far are things currently as far as the electricity and water are concerned? Has anyone heard anything from a MASA representative or does anyone have an inkling when these will officially be connected (if not already…)? Have the solar panels been installed on the rooftops there yet? (They were still not up yet the last I heard…) Any information will be appreciated.
Just a few more ‘general’ questions to quench the agonizing curiosity of all of us who are unfortunately still in the dark ages and still ‘in limbo’ and who have yet to make the ‘big move’ over to SG (Whenever THAT will be!):
1) How is the postal service being arranged on site? Do you all get your post delivered to your doorstep? How is this done , I wonder, as I am not aware of anyone having an ‘official address’ yet on SG? (Do the streets have their names? Does each house have a house number? Etc. etc.)
2) If desired, are you able to get connected to an official cable from ‘Telefonica’ for a regular landline telephone and/or ADSL internet service via a cable? Or is internet currently only available via antenna?
3) How is the garbage disposal currently being dealt with? Does it get picked up regularly? Where do you place your garbage bins for pickup? In the front driveway of your property, or are there designated pick up points? Are there monthly costs involved?
Thank you for any information. The questions may concern rather small and insignificant things, but for those of us still not residing on site: they remain quite baffling. Very curious here. Hope to make the move over to SG soon (but knowing MASA, I still wouldn't bet my Life on it yet...(!)
Greetings to all of you there on site,
Michael A