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We got an email from our solicitor today telling us the following:
Further to the purchase of your property number 12, La Atalaya, Garrucha, we have been in contact with your builders and they said that they have not got the building licence still ready. Apparently they could have some information in about 2 weeks . At the moment nothing has been built yet it is only the hole.
I think this is going to be a long drawn out process!!
John and Shona
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Hi John and Shona
our agent has been in touch this week to tell us:
"This is the very first week that Spain has started to get back to work, marvellous race, take the whole summer off. We have progress meetings booked with your developer for the week after next / will forward information as soon as we get it."
thanks for the posting our apartment is number 30.
As soon as we hear we'll be in touch.
All best.
Ronnie and Jayne
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Hi everyone I received two weeks ago a copy of a letter from the developers solicitor explaining that the developoment was starting. The delay was due to the name on the deeds being the original owner. My lawyer then confirmed this. If anyone wants to see letter send email address. My apartment is 24
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I'm from Spain and I have bought one apartment in La Atalaya too. I'm waiting for news from my agent, but al the moment I only know all you post here. Someone knows what is happening now?
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Hi everyone - just seen this and thought I'd join in - we visited 'the hole' in August and were very disappointed that nothing had started - we got the same excuse that the builders do not work during the summer but we stayed in Mojacar on the Golf Course and building was going on all around us there - so it's hard to believe a lot of what we are being told! Has anyone got a copy of the builders Banker's Guarantee yet! We have been promised one but, not surprisingly, so far it has not arrived! I will watch with interest for anymore news from the message board and will pass on anything we get - we will hopefully be Apartment No 6
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we had an email from our agent today filling us in with latest, I quote:
"We have been told that the problem with Garrucha is that the company that sold the land to Mar y Casas did not pay their contribution to the infrastructure of the area, which they were contractually obliged to do. This has now gone to arbitration and should be sorted in the fairly immediate future."
anymore news I'll let you know.
Ronnie and Jayne
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Hello , I received an email form EuroSelect on Thursday and was told that they have been in contact with the builders and they hope to get the builders licence in the next 2 weeks when they receive this they will also get the builders guarantee, as soon as these two are in place they can resume the build.We hope!!!
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Hi It does look quite promising at last:- Our solicitor has confirmed that the builders have said that the licence and Bank garantee will be available in 14 days from last Thursday.
At last it appears that we are being told the same thing.
Richard & Caroline (Apartment 21)
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Heard from our estate agent and he has yet another story!!!
Apparently Mar y Casas had only been granted planning permission for one apartment block and then when they decided on three, planning permission was not granted due to objections from the apartments which are currently front line. He tells us that the builder is holding out to try and obtain the planning permission as he obviously spent a lot of money on the land and wants to get the maximum return. We have asked the question, if that is the hold up, why does he not begin the first block and continue to fight for permission for the other two blocks - there does not seem to be anyone who can give us an answer to this question!
It might be worth asking other lawyers estate agents etc if they have heard this latest reason.
Our estate agent is supposed to get back to us early next week as he is meeting with the builder, so will keep you posted!
John and Shona
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Our solicitor has advised us of the following (by e mail):- the electricity company (Sevillana) has experienced problems with access, this has now been sorted out.
The project has a favorable endorsement by the town hall and will be presented to the government commission next week, then two weeks after that the building license will be granted by the Pleno of the Town Hall. (I guess this is positive news)!!
We will continue to seek clarity.
Richard & Caroline (No 21)
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My agent tells me that all paperwork in place. building work to begin in early january and builder estimates 18 month completion. so looking good!
we are in the middle one of the three blocks.
Cheers all, have a great Christmas.
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Hi, Just received email from agent to say she will forward the bankers guarantee via email in the next couple of day's, so it look's like everything is up and running now!! as we have all received information in the last couple of day's.
Merry Christmas to all. Daphne+ Alan.
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Hi everyone,
We are going out to Garrucha in Feb so hopefully things will have resumed by that time. Will relay what we find!
Have a great Christmas.
John and Shona
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Hi. Bad news.
Last friday a friend went to garrucha and to the building. He tell me that there are nothing build. I called on monday to my agent and he talk with Verca 2000 (Mar y Casas). They tell he that the building start at final of february.
Sorry by my english. I'm spanish.
Daniel y Chiqui (nº 14)
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Hello Again, Had a conversation with agents last week and was told Verca 2000 has building licence and has been busy this last month with the banks to secure mortgages and also contractors. everthing is now in place and the build will commence end of February. Our agent has promised to go to the site and take photos which they will send to us via email, then every 2 months they will keep us updated with the progress of the build and follow up photos, Hope this news put's a smile on everyones face  has anyone one else got the same information? Regards. Daphebba.
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had a letter from agent (medsea estates ) before xmas saying they had copy of licence. expected completion date june/july 08.
They will do an inspection week commencing 11th feb. I will let you know what happens
Best Wishes
Brain Lovegrove
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