Hi Sky Blues
Hope not Man City

If you have money on E.B.C.C and you were offered Morrocco then forget it.
Now O..P have taken the deposits and why dont they just give it back as it must be held in a escrow account as the building is not going ahead.
Now they are offering you to switch .so WHY ?unless there is a motive behind it as this lot wont give you a pot tp p-ss in.
Now what price was E,B.C.C and are they asking you to pay more ?if they are then you lose unless yer 100.000 euros to the better,
Personally I would still want find where my effing money is and I would want interest on it plus legal costs.
Take yer not O-P but even if you are the reply is the same WHY ARE YOU/ THEY WANTING TO KEEP THOSE ON THIS DEVELOPMENT AT BAY ( they have not given a toss for hundreds and hundreds of others even down to taking amssive amounts in rip off furniture and air con only for people to lose the lot.
Now I take it that its not a case of signing away any claim against E.B.C.C and then to switch you to a development they would never fiinsh like some of the others.
I know I am rather sceptical but signing your rights away wouldnt mean that they could get access to your deposit on E.B.C.C would it

Now please excuse me for being so non fictional on this and I couldnt see anyone Stooooping SOooooo low but you did ask for opinions.

Bo---cks I would tell them/you to p-ss off as they caught me once and twice would be making me out to be a bigger idiot than trusting them in the first pllace

Just Dan
Oh Bugger bet them/you (if you are) gets this one deleted.however no names mentioned.
This message was last edited by Just Dan on 9/3/2008.