A six page letter, in Spanish, has been published by a group that has apparently elected a community president.
A meeting was held on 10th of October at 17.30 and Juan Mata Castro was elected Presidente Entrante and Jesus Ramirez Martinez was elected Secretario/Administrador. There is a list of 24 Spanish names and their addresses in Terrazas de Torreblanca. It can only be construed that they all voted for him.
The final page lists what they expect the community costs from Nov 2008 to Nov 2009 will be and this comes to €119,428.92. From the breakdown of the costs there is 47K for the pool and gardens, 11k for maintenance, 3.5K for something called "Prima seguro Multirriesgo", 18k electricity, 18k water, 16k admin and 6k reserve.
We really do need get a community off the ground but I do not know of any English owners who were even notified that the meeting was to take place and although there are 24 Spanish owners listed it is not certain that they were at the meeting either.
Does anyone know of anybody who actually attended this meeting or was notified that the meeting took place?
And what are the legalties of having someone elected as President if not everyone is even given a chance to vote?