Hello All,
I have been reading through this forum, on and off, for about 18 months now. Usually would just send private messages, but decided to open information out to all.
Firstly i feel i have been very silly in my choices ever since we became aware of this fiasco. We have been let down by treachery and the ultimate of deception from Parador, Aldea advisors and Huma as well as the Spanish government in not tackling this issue at all. These groups are money grabbing thieves and will stop at nothing to stab you in the back.
Hopefully everyone is aware of what went on with Huma, could not obtain the neccessary licences and how Aldea could not manage to obtain our Bank Guarantees in time, and finally how Parador wormed their way out of this. All very convenient.
Driving their flash cars, designer suits and on 24 hour siestas it seems, especially our so called law firm Aldea Advisors.
You know what irritates me the most, these pratts advertising themselves on this forum when we have been put through this rollercoaster of deceipt. Gets to the point where one says, "Hang all the Agents, developers and the likes of Aldea."
It is the likes of us, who with their hard earned money invested for our future, retirement and family. We get shafted. I refuse to take this and have had enough of being nice, calm, diplomatic. Bottom line trust none of the above and stay on your toes and fight and keep fighting.
Now that i have that off my chest. I still have plenty more, but will go on with other issues which are more important at present.
Late 2007 after reading about and speaking to other solicitors and after a lot of to and fro with Aldea we stupidly instructed Aldea to cancel our contract and execute our 2 bank guarantees. Eventually Notary Public approved POA was sent in February 2008.
Extreme delaying from Aldea finally executing the 2 bank guarantees we had, this was in December 2008. Banco Popular paid up within 4-6 weeks and Caja Madrid we are still waiting.
I must add we were informed by Carmen from Aldea that Banco Popular is usually a prompt payer (if 4-6 weeks is prompt, then so be it) and the likes of banks with Caja in front of their names are usually a few months out. (Caja probably means very slow in Spanish, or even lying thieves).
Anyway after numerous calls this entire year and after huge amounts of delay and no response for weeks from Aldea, in particular Carmen (by the way she is the only one who knows anything about our case, and when she is on holiday- usually quite a bit - then tough) we at this point are deeply considering leaving Aldea for another Lawyer.
The reason we are still considering is because Aldea on 6th April 2009 sent one of their so called trainee lawyers to sign bank guarantee at bank, which is the final formality after this we receive cheque.
Forgot to say they should have done this in 1st week of March 2009. April along with siestas has a lot of bank holidays ( there you go the word Bank again- I am sure it rhymes with something) May is not far off in terms of holidays, holidays holidays; when does this stop.
Lets get back on track. Carmen from Aldea promised ( they don't keep promises) she would call me 27th April 2009 to let me know either way if cheque has arrived, she did not. I called, guess what, on holiday. This week called, she is in meetings all week and i would be wasting my time by constantly calling to speak to her. Best call next week.
No one else can help but her, that is if she will speak to you.
You see once i receive this cheque then i will have some monies to fight for our other 2 payments, for which we never received Bank Guarantees. Obvioulsy it will be a long court proceeding, but with another law firm, maybe not as long.
Couple of more things Aldea are forever asking for more and more money, i have never given them more as my argument has always been you took 50% payment for screwing us the least you can do would be to help us out of this mess.
Eventually i compromised and paid their costs involving the executions of Bank Guarantees and only half payments towards their costs.
Final thing i was informed that huma have obtained building rights for ACC. I think the land there is now classed as building land as opposed to protected or agricultural. Meaning the land is worth more now and therefore Huma have more assets to go after, that is if the Judge with the bag full of money lets it happen.
If anyone can help in any way, details of recommended lawyers, any other ways of dealing with this. I will definately be airing my views from now on and will be excessively pro-active and stop this ordeal of 4 years from stressing me further.
All the Best,