The Comments |
Following the excellent turnout at the first meeting to discuss setting up an official association for San Juan, thereby having a local voice in relation to facilities, matters which require attention in the village etc. The next meeting will take place on the 7th March during which "election of officers" will take place. The meeting will be in the community Centre on Saturday 7th March at 5.30pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to elect a President, Secretary, Treasurer and a good number of Vocales (people in different "wards" of Terreros to bring forward the views of their neighbours and report back to them).
Please pass on this message to fellow residents/those with an interest in the village.
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Great news for everyone who owns property in Terreros whether they live there full time or just visit when they can,i have a place on the green tops nearest the beach and have e/mailed a copy of your post to the commitee for our urbanisation.
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I'm amazed there aren't hundreds of posts on this thread. Okay, around 80 people attended the meeting but there must be a lot more wanting to have a voice in the running of San Juan. One important point that came out in the meeting was that every owner (not necessarily resident) should register on the Padron. This has nothing to do with taxes but allows you to vote in the local elections and is part of the town's census. If you don't register you cannot complain about local issues such as lack of police officers, dangerous roads, poor medical services or a disorganised ayuntamiento. As the hand-out says the information you give when registering is confidential and strictly protected by law. It has no property, financial or taxation implications.Central government gives local government only 193 euros per household and since a very low proportion of people are registered we have litle say and little money to improve things.To register on the Padron is simple: Go the the town hall with your passport, NIE number or Residence card, a copy of your escritura or rental contract and a recent utility bill. There may be a nominal charge of 5 euros.For more information contact Richard ward at or George Howard at
Jo and Jim
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I think now more than ever its important for people to be aware of the empadron. I for one will be drafting a letter to all my owners and urging them to go and sign on when they are over.
When you look up and down the coast, Terreros more than many places is in a much better position to ride the resession storm and come out the other end quicker and stronger.
With more money from central government given to Pulpi to reinvest, things will only improve.
Im sure this will gain momentum and Richard,George, Rafa and the others are all doing a great job.
Spread the word people!
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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The residents association for San Juan is a marvelous idea and much needed. It means that at my time of life I can sit back and let other people take up my issues. I would like to know who the prospective candidates for the committee will be. If its the usual self serving clowns who use arenas such as this simply to advertise and promote their own little villa letting 'companies' (sic), then it will just become a farce. I hope this is not the case.
On a side issue, I was always under the impression there were rules about using these forums for blatant advertising, yet some people appear to be showing up on several threads with nothing much of interest to say, but lots of buissness advertising.!!
I do a very reasonable rate for gall bladder removal and small intestine reconstructive surgery if anyones interested. Much detailed advertising to follow.
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Having re-read my last entry I cant see any evidence of mentioning your name, what you do or anything related to you Mr Clarkee.
If you feel it was an attack on you I can only ask, 'do you really belive you are that important'? I don't know you, though plenty of people have lots to say about you, so why would I be talking about you?
I found your remarks insulting and without foundation, but then I suppose thats the measure of the man making them.
I don't like advertising on what is supposed to be a discussion forum and nor do I like them being used for personal attacks on individuals. Thats what playgrounds are for.
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Hi Richard
Dont worry we all know who the ARSE is off previous threads, You are a gentleman and a scholar sir and a great contributer to this forum may we add.
Mick & Pam 
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Long standing members of the forum will remember the numerous occasions when richard (and almeriastu)
posted eagerly awaited progress photos to keep us in touch with progress on CDP, when reliable
information reaching us was very scarce.
I hope that both continue to contribute, even if moderators require less direct advertising.
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Richard and Ava have been marvellous in their help to us in settling in our house and sorting out various problems. Their advice, help and kindenss has been second to none. If anyone wishes to use their services we would highly recommend them.
They have the best interest s of San Juan at heart, as they are residents and care very much about the future of the area. It really annoys me that some small minded people who clearly do not not know what is going on, have a go at Richard, when he is trying to help.
Gordon & Ann
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We also agree,Richard & Ava have been a great help to us over the past 3 years,keeping us all posted with the latest progress,(or lack of it at CDP), but we have now completed & will be over early in April to see our friends buy them both a drink. Keep up the good work Rich.........
Dave & Cheryl
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