I have just noticed your blog re-a Sea & Sun Hills, selwo, estepona, At this late stage i do not know if you completed on your purchase,if not please let me know what stage you are at regarding the refund of your deposit.( we bought off-plan 2003)
Our situation may be similar to yours in as much we have no intentions in completing for the obvious reasons. At the moment we are talking to Maria of Costaluz lawyers who intends taking action against the banks for our the refunds of our deposits( 85000 euros)
I am not sure if you will receive the blog, as we are based in Edinburgh perhaps we could exchange phone numbers or e-mail, you will notice i am too competent sending e-mails therefore phone may be better.
It has been very difficult to contact purchasers of S.S.&H perhaps you have been more successful on concluding,if not i would appreciate your views.
Kind regards,
John Scobie