The Comments |
One of the surprises I got at our apartment was that the balconies were not very private - certainly not in our configuration anyway(we are 10 1C). We are looking to erect some "tasteful" screen or trellis, ahs anyone else thought of doing the same or had any bright ideas?
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We were also surprised at the "openness" of the terraces. But we were told that you could not erect any privacy screens - it had to go through the community commitee for approval. Not too sure what happens next perhaps someone on the main CA forum can advise. We look directly into the neighbours bedroom!
_______________________ Mandy & Andy
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Not sure if this helps but when the original Jardines completed last year then some of the ground floor property walls at the end of the rows ended up being built up higher than they originally were as the owners complained about lack of privacy. Perhaps if you make a bit of fuss they will re-do them for you too??? Arlene
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I distinctly remember being told on a couple of occasions that the "unique layout and staggered design" of La Isla's apartments ensured that everyone would have total privacy on their balcony.
I must admit to being confused as to how they were going to manage it and by the sound of things, they haven't ..!!
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Hi All
We are in 102c totally agree with openess but don't want to offend neighbours by putting up screen.
I was going to put a note in neighbours and ask if they minded if i put up a screen that can be taken down when either of us are not there.
Surely putting these screens up in style with the properties is up to us as we are part of the community.
Any comments as I was going to build two screens to bring out on Sept 14th as a trail.
Please neighbours of mine feel free to contact me as I don't want to offend you but at same time we both could do with some privacy at times
_______________________ Pete & Deb
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We are looking to put up some sort of trellis and plants (maybe artificial) and see how this looks.
If owners of 101B have any thougts or comments then please get in touch with me
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Hi All,
Before you all go rushing off to buy trellis/screens etc, just note that peple on the jardines have been made to take down anything that offends. What is classified as offensive seems to be anyones guess but you all bettter just check first before wasteing your hard earned cash.
You also need to ask yourselves how often are you going to be holidaying at the same time as your neighbour? We have been out 4/5 times and our neighbours have still not moved in yet and we've had our apartment a year now.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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I seriously can't imagine anyone would want to leave their balconies open as in the picture above - its only about 31/2 foot high.
My kids will be constantly snooping on the neighbours and/or asking for "their ball back"
However if the occupants are the Brazilain female beach Volleyball Team and are partial to topless sunbathing, then I guess I could put up with not having any privacy 
This message was last edited by markbarrowman on 03/09/2009.
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Hi all, we completed last Friday (05/09) and brought up with Polaris (before we signed on the dotted line) the low wall between the terraces. They said that they did not see any issue about putting up something on top of the wall but that was something that had to be agreed with the community when it is set up, so hopefully long term that won't be a problem!
We were also told by Polaris that they will be completing the Club House on the Island, but then they are not going to build any thing else until the market picks up again. Seeing as we were told that on the same day as another gentleman was told it would be a grassy area who knows?
Over all we were very pleased with the Apartment, only a few minor issues - but we are confused by the wiring in the second bedroom - ie directly by the door and the wardrobe and not in the centre of the room. We have been told by Polaris that is where the wires are supposed to come out and are the same in all the apartments. They also have a wire (we presume for the bathroom mirror) coming out of the ceiling just above the sink. Has anyone else that has completed noticed this? if this is standard/normal for Spain, what sort of light fittings are you putting up?
After we completed our snagging list, we have since noticed in the Kitchen that one of the wall units, next to the space for the Fridge-Freezer is not level so check carefully when doing your snag - it was missed by my Husband and Father-in-Law!!
Does anyone know what Polaris are doing with the electricity cables that hang around the island, they look temporary but .....?
We have some more photo's of the island if anyone is interested but I will have to email them to you as I can't work out how to put them on here.
All the best and good luck with forthcoming completions/moving in.
Vanessa & Sean
Block 4
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we're in naranjos and many of the things you mention are the same.
The lights are in weird places. We ended up with two in the bedroom but I know some others have moved to a single point.
Yes the bathroom 'wire' is for a spotlight at the basin. We got an expelair fitted that switches on and off with the lights and its a godsend.
You should report the kitchen unit to Polaris - we did get a couple of things done after snagging was complete by saying there was no way we could have seen them.
As for the electric cables - they are probably builders electric. They supply the free electricity until your meters are put. Make the most of the free electricity as its expensive!
We've been watching the progress of La Isla and can't wait til we're back and able to actually get on to the complex and see around.
CHeers and enjoy.
Pamela Naranjos 4
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We have also completed on block 5 La Isla around 3 weeks and absolutely love it. The potential is there for this whole experience to get better and better. Hopefully if we are at the tail end of this recession then things will hopefully start to pick up in early 2010 so we can all get back on track.
The main concerns I had with the snagging were the 2 light fittings in both bedrooms that just seems absolutely crazy and the outside balcony where the beams needed re-staining and also the paint work was very patchy. Other than that the BBQ was a great additional feature that I wasn't expecting and the views will be great once the next golf course commences as well as over the mountains.
Not too happy about the number of dragon flys that appeared like they had been on steriods but I guess they are required to kick off a more natural habitat.
Just having air-conditioning installed tomorrow and builders clean scheduled for early next week once final snagging is complete. The just a case of waiting for the furniture within the next 4 weeks and good to go.
Mark Bentley
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Hi Vanessa & Sean,
We got an electrician to centre our lights in the bedroom and fill up the hole nearest the door, made much more sense and it was swings and roundabout on cost. Like Scotsgirl got a fan contected to the light above the sink and she is right it is a god send and it is something I would certainly put at the top of your list. For the first couple of times we were out we didn't have the fan but then got it fitted, boy what a difference it makes. Again like scotsgirl suggested get PW to come and level your cupboard, cause now you know it is not straight it will bug you.
Hi Mark,
From reading this forum since 2007 we have discovered that the insects are seasonal, fruit flies in Spring/|Summer, moths& flies in Summer, now dragonflies, lets hope thats our lot.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Slight mistake folks - as my wife has just pointed out we are on block 4 and not block 5 :)
Never the less it is still very nice and can't wait to start spending more time there. Roll on this next golf course commencing and the La Isla Club.
Mark Bentley
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