hi, just glanced on the exchange rate thing and you can buy your euros at todays rate,put down 10 % gbp now and 90 % on the date you settle. be aware that on phase 1 ( where i am ) they were not ready at time they said and i waited a month after but in the end they get there....... you can negotiate on a forward contract now. i think its come back to 1.49 but if the bank of england add another 0.25 per cent in spring then inward investment from european banks to uk will increase the rate ,but sometimes the money markets know this ans its already bulit in. if i was wanting euros for say april or may i would buy them on a forward contract. if i can assist further please feel to ask . www.alansholidayhomes.com my website for rentals in la aparecida is www.alandowspain.co.uk