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Peraleja Golf forum threads
The Comments
01 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by Cotswolds Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

Not sure how much of a worry this is. Article seems to suggest that Peraleja being prosecuted for illegal extraction/ use of water.

Anybody with better Spanish or know anything about it.

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02 Feb 2007 12:42 PM by markmoylan Star rating in Birmingham. 25 forum posts Send private message

It appears that an ecological group have complained about illegal water extraction and contamination to an underground water source. I'm led to believe this is not an unusual situation in Spain however its obviously not good for our nerves.

Our solicitor in Spain has checked out and sent us copies of the licences guaranteeing the future water supply to Peraleja and these seem to be in order.

Hopefully this is nothing to worry about but is well worth keeping an eye on

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06 Feb 2007 11:51 AM by padinick Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi there

Similar response received from Peraleja:

"First of all, we would like to point out that this article is result of a much bigger campaign that the environmentalist lobby “Ecologistas en Acción” is being involved agains the Government policy regarding construction and development of golf courses and resorts within the Region of Murcia. This campaign has affected to all of the main resorts being built in the area and as a consequence Peraleja Golf is being included in their complaints.

Peraleja Golf has attended any requirement or explanation that the local authorities have asked for and, as all our actions have been previously authorised and are legal, Peraleja Golf is not under investigation for a supposed fraudulent use of water whatsoever. 

Moreover, for further information, we would like to remind you that your purchase contract dossier includes detailed information of the environmental impact assessment approval by the Environmental Department of the Murcia Region."

So all seems OK, but worth watching.


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