Hi folks,
We are on PG II R-2. We got keys for our postboxes only once the community had been formed and a president elected. Before that, everyone seemed to dig out their mail using a knife or spatula. Most of the mail is junk though, but you might just find a water or electricity bill in there soon after you switch from builders supply.
As for receiving electricity and water bills, I wouldn't trust the post box system and would advise you to set up direct debits if you haven't already done so. I now receive Iberdrola bills electronically and have the Aquagest bills sent to my home addtress in UK. Both are paid by direct debit.
One thing you need to be aware of though when you switch over from builder supply to main electricity and water supply is that you will have failry big set-up bills of 150 - 180 euros for both. When we were out last August, we had our water supply cut-off because we hadn't paid the initial bill. A bill which we had never seen. As it turned out a bill had been stuffed into our post box (we didn't have a key at that time), and to compound it all, the builder had given the water company the wrong bank details for the direct debit. We ended up paying over the phone by credit card to get our water turned back on. On checking with the Iberdrola on the elctricity situation, we found that they also had the wrong bank details and were on the verge of cutting our electrics off as well. All sorted now, but a right pain in the *rse at the time.
Cheers and hope to come across all of you when we are out again (next planned visit is March 17th - I'll be the good looking Scots guy in Alfie's bar).