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Try furniture a shop is called Spanish Furniture Supplies the shop is based in Pilar De La Horadada Matt's PHONE NUMBER IS 00349667668630 OR 0034680284427 its about a twenty minute drive from La Torre.
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have you never considered doing the furmiture yourself
we did our own 2 and a half years ago and are about to do the same again at the end of Feb
considerably cheaper just a bit of effort and a lot of fun.
should you need some advise PM me
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I strongly advise you not to go with Murcia furniture, they delivered us the wrong suite, tried to replace it with a showroom suite which was screwed together with different coloured screws, argued with us that we had not payed for a leather suite until we proved that we had, delivered a doule bed base with no mattress and two single bed mattresses with no bases, did not conect the lights properly and had missing shades and a faulty dishwasher, which after two years we still haven't had repaired and now we are left with leaking dishwasher which Murcia furniture will take nothing to do with and the guarantee has run out.
So save yourself a lot of grief and stay well clear of them.
_______________________ naranjos 7
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A lot of people used DFS who advertise on this site. I purchased individual pieces of furniture from them but not a package and when I had an issue with one item there was no quibbles just an apology and a replacement same day. Totally agree with Fozzer1 much more fun doing it all yourself and you can get lots more bargains that way.
Good luck
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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We bought our white goods,sofa beds and matresses from DFS - reason being they delivered to us at no extra charge (worth bearing this in mind as some companies do charge). All the rest including headboards we went to different shops. There is a shop called Castor just down the road from DFS(looks like you are driving through an industrial park). We also went to Neuvo Condominium in Murcia this is where Ikea and Leroy Merlin - a bit like B&Q and electrical goods shops for things like toasters, etc is and also smaller shops. Furniture buying isn't cheap as Spanish buy when they get married. There is also a couple of smaller shops in Alhama - they are Spanish speaking only - we bought lighting from here and if they understood my Spanish then anyone can manage it!!!
Carla and Dave.
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Maybe get in touch with Steve (endpeg on EOS) he lives in Camposol and has a van and can transport and build things for you if required from Ikea , we brought a basic pack from Polaris when we installed and brought the rest locally and in Ikea - every time we went to Ikea we bumped into steve picking up furniture for someone or other.
If you need an Enllish kettle (hard to find in spain) the electrical place down opposite LIDL in Mazzaron has them, also upstairs from the small supermarket just adjacent is Yorkshire Linens, good for bedding stuff, downstair afterward for a "subway" and job done !
Good luck !
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It depends on your circumstances.
I bought a furniture package and you pay for the convienience of someone delivering everything fitting lights etc so when you go out next it is all done.
If I did it again I would Pick from Ikea and get someone like flaxpaxia (they advertise on ) to collect and assemble. Regarding lights then again an electrician advertises on the above site).
There are lots of white goods people around who will do you a deal.
So up to you!
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Contrary to tee.t we did use Murcia Furniture, and on the whole we were happy. The only down side was an item of furniture which wasn't delivered as it was out of stock and we had to wait a while for it. We also had to chase them a bit, but no more than over here! The missing bit of furniture was delivered eventually. The guy who delivered our furniture also installed our lights and we've had no problems at all. I can't comment on the dishwasher as we decided not to have one and used the space to have another cupboard installed. I would suggest if you're buying some of the packs to look at the kitchen/bathroom extras. Our bathroom bin was a joke. It looked more like dusty bin and didn't match the rest of the bathroom fittings which we ordered from Murcia Furniture. It has now been relegated to one of the bedrooms and we've bought another! I do think you have to have a bit of patience when you're dealing with them, but again no more than anywhere else. On the plus side it was all sorted out for us once we'd decided what we wanted and all of the girls there were extremely helpful and very professional. We definitely wouldn't recommend Polaris Homestyle, they were really expensive, and in our opinion a bit over the top. I have to say we did look at doing it ourselves, but after wandering round the shops for hours we were ready to kill each other! We also weren't at all impressed with Ikea; we spent ages in there and came away only with kitchen utensils glasses and mugs! We bought all our electrical stuff from one of the shops opposite Ikea outside the big shopping centre and they delivered free of charge as well as giving us quite a big discount. The shopping centre is quite good. We also bought a lot of stuff from Carrefour; very good in the sales! Hope this long-winded info helps!
Lynn & John
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Grab the newest Ikea catalogue in the UK. Sit down with a coffee, list what you want (I recommend the kitchen starter box - around €90 but has everything you could need for the kitchen), email the list to Steve (Endpeg) and he will go to Ikea, get it for you, bring it to your apartment, install it and voila - all done and at half the price of a furniture pack. Ikea codes/items are all the same in most stores so it will be easy enough for him to see what you want. Oh - one small thing - you will need to give him some money for the stuff but I'm sure he will tell you how to do that. Job done!!!
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Purchase Everything in the UK, rent a big Van and Drive Down! Thats what I did.
I found everything was cheaper in the UK (due to the weak pound) and I had more time to spend shopping. Plus the whole place was fully furnished in a couple of days!
Never had to spend holiday time traipsing around the furniture shops of Spain!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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We did our own, bought it all in the UK and got a guy to deliver from West Lancs to Condado "Mr Shifter" got his details from someone we know who lives in Spain, paid by the square foot, could not fault him.
He does trips UK to Spain all the time.
Cost us much less than buying in Spain.
Let me know if you need the details.
_______________________ Tony & Angela Spray on chrome technology
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Did it all DIY ........ gives you a great feel for the geography of the place, you find other places whilst looking in the shops etc etc. Take a week, decide what you need, do 4 days hunting, 1 day deciding, then go back and order, loads of stuff in Spain is delivered same day/next day for free.
If you have the time to hunt back threads say from 2009 onwards you'll find loads detailing which shops everyone went to - a few hours of back threading may save you hours of shopping.
Endpeg is quality - collected from Ikea and put loads of stuff together for me (Ikea draws are good, one of the styles matches the wardrobe wood, the 3 drawer fits inside the wardrobes, and the tall thin 8 drawer ones fit well in the 2 smaller bedrooms of a 3 bed apartment. Personally wouldn't recommend Ikea beds as different to standard sizes and i just don't like the choice), did the lights, other stuff etc etc
Also, M&S deliver to Spain, i had four box loads delivered to Alhama Post Office (I was out when they arrived on CdA). Cost £7.50 for delivery, nothing to pay on collection
And then brought loads of other stuff over in luggage each time i came over .... so done bit by bit, and probably half the cost/twice the quality (at least) of furniture packages i looked at
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We just took our time and sent over kitchen goods, first i.e. fridge/freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, bbq etc by getting items delivered directly to a guy who used to drive over every few weeks to Cda. The cost of the goods on-line in UK plus the transport of them was a lot less than the Spanish prices so worth finding a reliable delivery man if you can get one. We also purchased two single beds on-line and had them delivered to his home and he took them across for us as well for a great price. We took loads of stuff over each time we visited in our luggage like, lamps, duvets, pillows, towels, kitchen stuff, even a flat screen tv (well packed up in towels)! We purchased our bedroom furniture from Ikea and found it a bit more expensive than UK but it is just great and matches the wardrobe doors. Our lounge stuff we bought from a large furniture shop in Torrevieja during their sale and they stored it for us for months until we needed it. We were lucky and just shopped around and picked up some bargains as we saw them. It was better to take our time and wait until we saw things we liked than to rush in and try to do it all at once. But we were in no hurry and managed very well. Good luck with the shopping and hope you manage to get things sorted out.
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