The current stages and timescales for 'completion' seem to be...
1)Ensure you have got or arranged to get your NIE you can't complete without it.
2)First snagging a day or so before the 'completion' date
3)The actual 'completion' date will entail legal signings of deeds etc with PW and the Notary,inclusion of first snagging items ....and the requests to setup to the utility companies for your services...and the setup of utility s/orders etc. You should also get your keys.
4) Contractually (for what its worth) PW have upto 30 working days (6 weeks) from above 'completion date' to carry out the snagging re-work. During this time you are not allowed to put any items of furniture or anything in your property. You also will not have any utility services (Gas,Water,Electric)...this step seems to be a bit loose in actual timescales.
5) PW will arrange for a second snagging to review items remedied and complete the sign-off. (note: if you have not got any electricity,water or gas at this time you will need to defer for a later date for PW to arrange for A/C and Boiler commissioning - which cant be done till you have these). In theory you now have your property...but maybe without some or all of the probably not usable.
6) The utility companies will install your services sometime after they recieve the request for services setup at your 'completion date' meeting. You can not request them prior to this as in Spain you need the certification of habitation..and you can not get that until you 'complete' .The connections seem to be very variable in timing...but talking to folks on LT it can be upto 2 - 3 months. You just have to keep chasing PW or your solicitor on these. Remember without electricity you have no lighting/heating/ac.
7) You also need to consider how and when you can actually start to get furnishings in.
So the timescales that LT owners have worked to is that you should not expect to be in a position to use your property for a minimum of 3 months after completion date.