I bought a property in Azahar I last March and was due to complete back in January but due to various problems with NIE and MD "losing" 3000 Euros of mine th completion was delayed. They are now charging me interest - this was disputed by my solicitor causing more delay which in turn meant my mortgage offer ran out and now has to be renewed causing even more delay and maybe even more interest due and more delay - round and round we go. My solicitlor seems to think things will be sorted in a week or so but Im not holding my breath.
Now I don't know if its just me or is trying to get any information out of MD almost impossible, they certainly do not know the meaning of the phrase "I will phone you back". Ever since I signed the contract they do not seem the slightest bit interested.
So, (rather sadly) I am asking for help here....
1. What process do I need to follow to get gas/electric/phone connected ?
2. What are my choices with regard managing property rentals ?
3. When I come to snagging list - how quickly do they respond ?
Anything else I need to know during this whole "handover" process ?
David Hayden