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13 Sep 2011 12:00 AM by SHIRLEY13 Star rating in I live in West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message


Looking for a bit of advice please.  My nephew got a speeding fine today in the post from Spain while out in the summer.  When he is trying to pay it online it will not allow the 12 digit record number to be inputted.  It is saying invalid. The only 12 digit number we can find is "Numero".  Does anyone know if this is the correct number and are we right in assuming through our very poor spanish that if he pays within 20days of the notice it is a 50% reduction?

He was doing 133 on the A7 but can't recall seeing any speed cameras.  So watch your speed everyone and stick to 120!!

Any advice would be appreciated.



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13 Sep 2011 2:12 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 forum posts Send private message

Hi Shirley


I have had my share of Spanish speeding fines and I have always been told by the Guardia that have stopped me that the calculation is thus:

Speed Limit plus 10% for possible camera/radar error on the A7 that would be 132kph anything above that atracts a fine of €10 per kph above the 132 which means €10 for him and with a discount of 50% €5.

If it is more than that ask your insurance company to challenge the fine, it is a general inclusion in Spanish Insurance policies that they will contest traffic offences if you deem them unfair.

If he was caught on the Polaris World motorway the fine should be €230 minus 50% discount as the speed limit on that road is 100kph.



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13 Sep 2011 9:07 PM by suea Star rating in Bishop Auckland and .... 16 forum posts Send private message

We got one this week also. When you go online and enter the 12 number digit DO NOT put any hyphens or spaces in. This worked for us and we did get 50% reduction. Hope this helps

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14 Sep 2011 12:22 AM by SHIRLEY13 Star rating in I live in West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the replies.  Sue we put the number in as it is on the fine with no spaces or hyphens.  Did you put the number in that is after Numero on the slip, opposite the pic of his hire car number plate?  Will try again tomorrow anyway.

Hope he only has to pay 5E - he will be a lot happier!  It was not near the head office he was picking my son up from Alicante airport and was late - hence his rush.  Many thanks for the advice.


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14 Sep 2011 12:02 PM by SHIRLEY13 Star rating in I live in West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message


Paid the fine today, it was 50E and we had been putting the wrong number in!!

Thanks for the help


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14 Sep 2011 2:15 PM by pgm Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

pgm´s avatar

Hi Shirley

For the information of others, which is the correct number to input and where is it on the paperwork.

Just asking for future info for people.




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