Total disgust- pooh in pools!!

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01 Aug 2012 8:02 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Why do I keep reading that there have been incidences of pooh being found in the pools at CdA.Both in Naranjos and now in Jardines. This is disgusting and if it's children then parents should be brought to taks and made to pay for the cleansing. I am absoloutly sure someone will know the culprit. If its adults then its a nssty mind and they need to be named and shamed.


Genuinely feel names should be printed on websites and posted on board outside supermarket!



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01 Aug 2012 8:25 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

 I think naming and shaming a young child (either directly or indirectly by naming their parents) on websites and supermarket boards may be a little over the top.

I agree if this is the case of some children deciding to use the pool as a toilet it is disgusting and needs to be stopped.

But on all these posts I haven't spotted anyone who mentioned the age of the "culprit". 


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01 Aug 2012 8:42 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Go ahead and be sensitive about this, but I am not. This isn't the first time this has happened but it really should be the last. What are parents doing- I'll tell you- drinking jugs of sangria at the pool and not watching their children! You and I suffer, the pools may be cleaned but not everywhere those pooh ridden kids had touched. Its truly disgisting that some parents do not know how to toilet train their children in this day and age. I'm not talking a 1 off but this has happened several times in similar locations so no doubt same lacksadzical people.

If this is the action of adults then its truly disgusting and dangerous to the health and well being of other users!


With regard to drinking at the poolside these are the self same people who have a pop at the security when they tell them to take their booze elsewhere!!



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01 Aug 2012 9:32 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

 I'm with you Tony...there are some parents who are literally asleep on the grass beside the pool while they are "watching" their young kids in the pool.

I take it from your message we are not talking about nappy malfunctions for babies.

I'd hate to think that there is a family of serial sh*tters doing the rounds of the pools. 

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01 Aug 2012 9:45 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Now, a poop ridden family touring the pools to leave their mark wherever they may swim is porbably not quite what is happening. But I did read on FB that the child in the 1st incidence in J8 was a 6 year old and if so her family should be ashamed becasue I dont think the description suggested she had been caught short- more she had pooped in her costume  at the side of the pool and then emptied the contents into the pool- nice!!

Then we have a second ( at least) incident. I know little ones might have an accident but I suggest the common occurence( this has happend several times at Naranjos) suggest some people dont give a 'pooh' about anyone elses health.



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01 Aug 2012 11:00 PM by ceadjp Star rating in Hartlepool. 50 forum posts Send private message

ceadjp´s avatar

 Owners in J3 know all about this problem too......  My friend has an apartment in this garden and their pool was closed twice when we were over at the beginning of July because of this problem.

In our garden I have seen parents remove nappies before putting their babies in the pool - this should not be allowed, especially when these days you can buy proper swimming nappies!





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02 Aug 2012 8:32 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Don't intend to keep coming back to this thread just so it runs forever- but, do we need additional notices about the problems faeces in the pool cause? Do we need ML to get signs posted. 'No pooping in the pools- cut out the 'Sangria'' in many languages ?.  Look around and see how many people are drinking alcohol alongside the pools- they are fools and this is unsafe practice.

Its obviously nice to read about beauty treatmetns on CdA- but this is a real health issue.

I saw as well the strident English woman clutching a wine glass, shouting at a security guard because he told her daughter to move her lounger off the Jardines grass by  their apartment, and she was claiming no-one speaks to Spanish visitors at all about issues, I can' t help but wonder what the Spanish think of us all. Parents with Sangria  cause lots of issues!!

Also- keep reading that the fiesta was wonderful- huge queue even before the paella was ready, lots of pushing and shoving when it was ready, no shade for the queue. Fiesta dancing in Al Kasar- 3 or so dances by children, all pretty boring!  Not so good!!!

New bars and restaurants- give them a go- great!!!



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02 Aug 2012 10:06 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

I blame the Sangria............................don't these people know that in summer, we drink Pimms! ;)

Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...

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02 Aug 2012 11:02 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

You are right - I'm being stereo typical it could be Pimms they are all drinking not Sangria or rose.! All I am certain about is lots of people with jugs and cans around the various pools- not genuinely watching their poopy kids!

As part of my 'keep fit- loose weight' plan I am doing a lot of walking- so I walk from my Jardines  thru to J13 , across the Al Kasar and  down to the new golf club house twice a day. OMG- the sights you see......

I work in the hotel trade and honestly can say this type of poop incidence has bee really rare over many years. Maybe lots of Mums think its okay to take nappies off when their little darling is going in the pool- put a name and a price tag on it and that'd see an end to it all!



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03 Aug 2012 5:03 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

 Swim nappies are required for any kids who are in nappies...I wouldn't even think of letting my one in the pool without a swim nappy anymore than I would think of putting her down for the night without a nappy.

Its plain stupidity to put a kid who needs to wear a nappy in a pool without one on!!

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04 Aug 2012 10:27 AM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

I know it would cost more etc but on La Torre during the main summer months they have security going around every pool checking if all is ok. They have other problems like people who do not have an apartment etc using the pools but while they check on this they also check on cleanliness, people etc before moving on to the next pool. This may not stop all the incidents but i am sure if they saw children without suitable clothing for the pool this would trigger them to stop them.
Not sure the cost difference between prevented accidents and repairing accidents but i know which one I prefer.

This message was last edited by neil2610 on 05/08/2012.

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