My personal email is NOT for your point scoring

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19 Sep 2012 10:06 AM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

Dear Mr P.Tann,

Can I please request that your ongoing dispute with ML no longer ends up in my personal email inbox as you have no right to involve me in your, ' he said, she said' saga.
If you've a beef with ML then by all means sue them, go for it and I wish you well, but I for one do not need to be involved in your frankly ridiculous playground politics and I dont need to be copied into any of your further emails.
By all means continue to rant and stamp your feet on this site to your hearts content, just leave it out of my inbox as I don't remember giving it to you or asking you to send me updates on your 'he said, she said saga.'
No doubt your affiliated Rottweilers on this site will have a pop at me for voicing this opinion, and to anyone who thinks they have a right to try and shout me down for having an opinion on something that I never wanted to be involved in then I suggest rather than do it on here behind the relative safety of your keyboard then you come and tell me in person.
I'm in apartment J0812 in Jardines and I'd be more than happy to discuss the finer points of why I don't need to be involved further in your childish power plays.
Thank you
Dave Winder
Condado De Alhama


'Up here for thinking..down there for dancing'

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19 Sep 2012 10:47 AM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dave

A rather simplistic answer I know, but why don't you - through your email settings - put a 'block' on the email address which is causing you distress.  Or, failing that, just don't read said emails,  As I said, a simplistic answer, but one that I find works a treat.


Regards,  Peter

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19 Sep 2012 11:18 AM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

Works a treat Peter, gone the same way as emails telling me I've won the Nigerian Lottery!


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19 Sep 2012 1:45 PM by CondadoHope Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message


Its strange ML send an email to all residents slating P Tann and it seems that one is ok and you are not on here complaining about them using your email for personek attacks.

P Tann response as all have asked him to and now you complain that he uses the same media they did.

So for Big Brother its ok but for little individual its not... be fair.

If you are not intrested Just delete but I imagine you are a fair person and would want to hear both sides as by only listen to one side you dont ever get enough info to form a picture.

I have listened to all on here and made some enquiries myself and am slowly forming my own opinion maybe you should do the same.

Am over in a couple of weeks so will be intrested to find out more and look forward to seeing the accounts.


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19 Sep 2012 3:16 PM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

I have given ML my personal email address to keep me informed of issues regarding my place in Spain.

What I didnt do was give it to Mr.Tann or anyone else. Unsolicited email is SPAM and I'm asking not to receive any.

This isn't about being fair or not, this about not getting dragged into someone else's arguements.

If I've got an issue with someone I don't go around trying to garner support, as that's what children do.

Deal with it in private and once you've proved your case and been vindicated then blow your trumpet and let everyone else know about it.

I don't need to receive further updates to my email account from ANYONE I've not given it to, in order for them to justify themselves.

Do it in private, do it through the courts, do it through the correct channels....this does not include my inbox.


'Up here for thinking..down there for dancing'

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19 Sep 2012 4:26 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

I'm guessing what's happened that Phil would have had everyone's addresses as he was the overall president, and would have been given them by Mileniun, so perhaps you should complain to them for giving him your personal details.  I personally wouldn't call it spam email, but each to their own. I now think this thread is going to the dogs, so perhaps we can draw a line over it and get on.


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20 Sep 2012 2:05 PM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

Funny enough I did contact ML to find out why I'm receiving mail from Mr.Tann, this is their reply:-

Dear Mr Winder,

As per your enquiry regarding the P. Tann´s issue, I´d like to state that ML
has never provided any email address of any owner to Mr Tann as we know
perfectly well that this goes against the Law for the protection of data.

If you find it necessary, the Data Protection Agency is the relevant
orginisation to complaint.


Olga Corovic Prce      Condado de Alhama Club Condado de Alhama


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20 Sep 2012 2:36 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

How confusing! How on earth did Phil get your email address then? I know I gave him mine so wasn't surprised to receive the email from him. Perhaps you should send him a pm and find out.


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20 Sep 2012 2:50 PM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

Not only confusing, but possibly  illegal, and certainly not the actions you'd expect of someone claiming the moral high ground.

This message was last edited by dwinder72 on 20/09/2012.


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20 Sep 2012 8:44 PM by andyclarke Star rating. 207 forum posts Send private message

 If you take him to court let me know so I can do the same to all the companies who send me emails and advertising that I didn't request, don't. think this breaches data protection somehow, seems someone has an axe to grind, complete over reaction, just block the email, simple


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20 Sep 2012 9:13 PM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

Never met the guy, only know of him due to the emails, so no axe to grind, but I certainly don't like the idea that somehow he has managed for get hold of my details from ML without their consent, and I'm surprised to be honest that not even more people are upset by this. What other details is he in possession of that he shouldn't have?
Needless to say I've asked ML to conduct an investigation as to how their security has been breached, and I've asked Mr.Tann to explain to me how he has managed to obtain my personal email address?
In the meantime he has assured me that I'll no longer be receiving any more emails


'Up here for thinking..down there for dancing'

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20 Sep 2012 9:43 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Well said Andy. What a load of fuss over a simple e-mail. Just delete it...........done.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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20 Sep 2012 11:24 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

chaddyowl´s avatar

This is getting a bit tedious now dwindy!


This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 20/09/2012.

This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 20/09/2012.

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21 Sep 2012 8:47 AM by steviev Star rating. 40 forum posts Send private message


Phil is only trying to let people know his side of the story. ML sent out an email to everyone, which I am sure you received making serious accusations. Wouldn't you wish to defend yourself?

I am sure there are more people who would like to hear both sides of the story, than dont, to help them make up their mind, and reassure them to what is going on. Especially those that are not resident, like myself.

If you are happy to keep your head buried in the sand then good for you.

Also, why not reply to Phil and ask him to take you off any future emails he may send out, instead of ranting on here?


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21 Sep 2012 11:27 AM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

I don't deny that he would want to defend himself from any false accusations, but sending out a group email to people he has never met, using personal addresses he has obtained through non official channels, more than likely breaking the law in doing so is not the correct way to go about it.
If anything it further reinforces the view that he's a man with his own way of doing things, and as long as the end justifies the means then he doesn't mind bending the rules or breaking them.
I've no problem with hi wanting to defend himself, but at what cost to my privacy, your privacy or anyone else's?
My concern is if he has managed to obtai. My personal details, then he also has everyone else's, and what else is he in possession of? Your bank account details??
If you'd read my previous posts you'll see that I've messages him and he has agreed not to copy me into any more mails, but I'm still awaiting an explanation from him regarding how he got my information in the first place. No doubt I'll be waiting a while.


'Up here for thinking..down there for dancing'

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21 Sep 2012 2:13 PM by nilpla Star rating in Penthouse 7 and Kris.... 50 forum posts Send private message

I really don`t mind that our Level 1 President has my e-mail address. I would be more upset if he didn`t. Moreso I am not sure if he formally isn`t still our Level 1 President as his removal seems to be executed illegally. The AGM needs to address this issue, and as owners we need information so that we can decide what to do. And we cannot get the complete picture from just one of the parties.

It is time that the formal aspects of this is being scrutiniezed.



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21 Sep 2012 2:42 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

Clause 7, Section 13.  HPA states:

'The persons designated may be removed from their posts before the expiration of their term of office by a resolution of the general assembly, convened to hold an extraordinary session.'


Section 13 in full:

1. The governing bodies of the community shall be the following:

a) The owners’ general assembly.
b) The president and, where applicable, the vice presidents.
c) The secretary.
d) The administrator.

The community statutes or a majority resolution of the owners’ general assembly may establish other governing bodies of the community but only insofar as this does not entail any impairment whatsoever of the functions and responsibilities to third parties that this Act attributes to the aforementioned.

2. The president shall be appointed from among the unit owners by election or, if this could not be achieved, by rotation or by drawing lots. Acceptance shall be compulsory, although the unit owner designated may apply to the court for his/her replacement within one month of taking office, invoking the motives. The judge, following the procedure established in the last paragraph of section 17, shall issue an order as he/she shall see fit, designating, where appropriate, the unit owner who shall replace the president in office until such time as a new appointment is made within the term determined in the court decision.

The judge may be equally approached where, for any reason whatsoever, the general assembly found it impossible to designate a president.

3. The president shall legally represent the community both in and out of court in all matters related thereto.

4. The existence of vice presidents shall be discretionary. They shall be appointed by the same procedure established for the designation of the president.

The vice president, or vice presidents in the order prescribed, shall replace the president in cases of absence, vacancy or incapacity, and assist him/her in the exercise of his/her functions under the terms established by the general assembly.

5. The functions of secretary and administrator shall be carried out by the president of the community except where the statutes, or the general assembly by a majority resolution, provide that such offices be held separately from the Presidency.

6. The post of secretary and that of administrator may be held by the same person or by persons appointed separately.

The position of administrator and, where applicable, that of secretary administrator may be discharged by any unit owner, or by natural persons with adequate professional qualification and legally licensed to perform such functions. It may also be held by an artificial person, a corporation or other artificial person in the terms set out by the law.

7. The term of office for all governing bodies of the community shall be of one calendar year unless otherwise provided for by the community statutes.

The persons designated may be removed from their posts before the expiration of their term of office by a resolution of the general assembly, convened to hold an extraordinary session.
8. Where the number of unit owners in a building does not exceed four, they may opt for the system of administration provided for in section 398 of the Civil Code if so prescribed by the community statutes.




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21 Sep 2012 3:51 PM by J&P Star rating in Jardine 5 & Bangor C.... 100 forum posts Send private message

21 Sep 2012 4:23 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

 I would like to draw you attention to Article 21 of the statutes :-


1. The Homeowners Meeting shall be called by the chairman of the Association at least seven days prior to the date on which it is to be held. The call shall be made with indication of the matters to be discussed, the place, date and time on which it is to be held at the first call or, where applicable, the second call, which may be called for the same date and place, as long as at least half an hour has passed since the first call. The calls to meeting shall be sent to the address indicated for the said intents and purposes as laid down in article 9 of Act 49/1960.

2. The notice shall be sent to the chairman or representative of the owners of the plots in accordance with the provisions laid down in article 16 of these articles of association by means of registered letter or by delivery to the address indicated for the said intents and purposes or the address that is considered appropriate from previous calls to meeting.

3. The Extraordinary Meeting held at the request of members of the association as per article 15.2 of these articles of association shall be called by the chairman of the association within the term of ten days following the corresponding requirement. Should the chairman fail to call the meeting within the said term, it may be called by those requesting a meeting within the following ten days. The meeting shall be held between the term of thirty and forty-five days following the said requirement. 

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21 Sep 2012 9:35 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Moan. moan , moan- go elsewhere please!!

I think this has all gone too far and it does not do Cda any good having dirty washing strung about on these forums. Plus ; suggestions of improper actions- what is really being suggested regarding the collection of private data? Take legal advice if you are genuine and not muck stirring.

However, I think the Presidents do/did have everyone's email as last time we had an option to vote we all got an email from 'our' Presidents requesting we complete and return a form to ML- or did ML send those..... which is another issue?. Most people thought they were a personal request.

I really think we need to draw a close to this situation on the open forum's.

We want properties to sell on CdA, and things have been looking quite good in that respect acording to a contact who's involved in local property sales- people are looking to Spain once again as properties are now so cheap. Prices suit the present market- but vitriol and complaints do us no good -especially when so much positive is happening on the resort that is attracting sales.

Mind you I'd rather we had a discrete and overtly professional group managing the resort.

But lets keep the complaining discourse on private email rather than open forum- even on FB threads get hijacked by moaners..





This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 21/09/2012.



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