Posting parcel's to CDA

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22 Jun 2013 7:56 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

 Has anyone posted a parcel from the UK to Condado- so they can either have it delivered direct to their apartment when they are there or go collect it from Alhama?

If so- any recommendations for parcel delivery firms?



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22 Jun 2013 8:23 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


I had a parcel sent to friend Carol from the UK to Condado by The Post office overseas facility called  Airsure.
 Paid for it to be insured and tracked. Carol had said that it often takes up to two weeks to arrive & then she gets a card or a telephone call to go to the local post office (Correos) to collect. When it had not arrived by last Friday I started to track it, it stated that an attempt to deliver had been made @08.15am, on the 14th June but no one was there. Carol has never found a card indicating that a delivery had been attempted. Over the past 7 days she has been to the Correos who state they do not have it. The Post office in the UK gave me a web site for me to email them. I will not drive you mad with its contents. Numerous calls by me & visits by Carol. has not resulted in her obtaining this dam parcel. I was advised to day to copy the tracking slip on the Correos web site & email it to Carol, This proves it arrived between the 12th & 14th June. An attempt to deliver was made on the 14th. No further attempts have been made & as there is no indication that the parcel has left Spain they must still have it.
I emailed it to carol this afternoon & a copy translated in Spanish too.
Would I use the Post office again? NO. Carol says she never has any problems collecting parcels via Parcel Force though they all end up @ the same pick up Correos
Both Carol & I are at our wit’s end. & are going Maaaaadddddd with frustration
Best of luck which ever postal company you use


This message was last edited by hamibabe on 22/06/2013.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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22 Jun 2013 9:53 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

 Thanks (I think Jan!) we were thinking of having our parcel deleivered when we are  at CDA. rather than asking Carol to deal with it- but wasn't sure how reliable that would be.


Welcome any other views on this.



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22 Jun 2013 10:56 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

 Hi Jann

I don`t think Carol has ever had problems before. I just think this parcel was dooooomed never to arrived, though as I said she normaly gets people to send via Parcel Force.

Not sure what the out come will be when she calls into the post office on Monday with the email but I hope all will be resolved.

Carol says the people there are usually very helpful 

I fly out to Condado late Monday afternoon, if I hear from Carol before I leave home I will update you



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 22/06/2013.


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