The Comments |
We have only lived here 5 years and are up and down the site daily! No-one mentioned any meeting to us and we certainly did not receive email informing us of this meeting. Communication is the key to all outcomes. We have not had any reports back from presidents at all as to what is happening on site after we were promised that we would be informed of any future plans. How bad and un-professional is that.
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I assume they mean the level 2 meeting held on 02/10/13, the minutes of which we're sent out by millenniun on 11th October.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Level 3 presidents are kept in the dark as much as anyone. Only ML, level 2s and the level 1 president decide what is going to happen in resort....suggest you contact ML if unhappy with communications in resort...but like the rest of us, you will get used to it!
If you try to change the way things are done by ML, who are purely adminstators, then you too may be thrown to the dogs.....
This message was last edited by Redrose on 15/10/2013.
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What meeting are you asking about Gilbar? And which part of the resort are you? I may be able to put you in touch with your Level 3 or Level 2 President.
I keep my level 3s informed on Jardines 1-5 and my neighbours on Jardine 2, I thought all other level 2s would do the same. All owners should get the minutes from every Level 2 meeting and if there are any issues from my neighbours, friends, enemies, regarding the minutes they let me know.
This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 15/10/2013.
This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 15/10/2013.
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chaddyowl, just a quick one we have just bought last month on j3. can someone explain the level 1,2,3 presidents setup. and who my first port of call would be after ml
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How interesting:
chaddyowl sent this private message @ 19:20:00
"If nothing sensible to say then refere to the above.  "
The smivs posted @ 19:22:00
chaddyowl is a mindreader or has numerous identities!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Elerado, link a bit old but funny how history repeats it's self as IRM are now reportedly in bankrupcy protection, Sure all our presidents knew this and understand the effect it may have on our resort.
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Cant you see how popular you are on here?
I have 1 identity on here and dont need to bother with the likes of you, maybe you should look at this article I dug up from a Dictionary? PRIVATE: confined to or intended only for the persons immediately concerned; confidential 
This may give you an indication what a Private message means, others obviously want to tell you what you are in public but I decided to save your blushes.
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I actually think Chaddyowl does quite a good job...unfortunately he is probably the only level 2 who keeps his level 3s informed.....if anyone is a dictator in Condado...I would look no further than ML....look at the way they treated Mr absolute disgrace...and they got away with it which gives them the power to get rid of anyone else who delves too deep into how they operate!!!,
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i feel that i need to put things in perspective.
the question i asked was regarding the presidents set-up and elarado sent a link to the company that runs the golf courses going to court ( i have no idea what that has got to do with my question ). my comment was regarding this and other threads on this forum that certain people seem to hijack to their own ends or they end up being a slagging match between 2 or 3 people.
when we were looking to buy i used the forum as a source of info regarding the resort and yes the majority of people who post put on realy useful info. but with this in mind we need to be aware that other people will probably use this forum in the same way the we did.
for our resort to flourish and grow we don't need to be scaring of any potential buyers with negitive comments and back biting.
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