We have 1st Aiders Responders, equipment, phones and everything in place to launch CPR so we are going live on the
27th October 2013
How exciting is that!! Everybody involved in CPR is excited and rapidly finishing the procedures, paperwork and such ready for the launch day.
We have set the launch date to coincide with the Fundraising Day at the Condado Club. Some of the 1st responders will be at the fundraiser and will demonstrate the newly purchased equipment and along with representatives of the committee will answer any questions or queries you may have. The 1st aiders and the equipment will then be on full alert to respond to emergency calls 24 hours, 7 days a week.
So at last we will have our very own primary response team working on Condado which will provide a valuable service to people suffering from a medical emergency whilst waiting for an ambulance.
Telephone numbers and procedures for calling CPR will be announced shortly, watch this space for more information.
Update on Steve’s Sponsored Bike Ride
Steve is in training and can be seen many mornings pedalling around the resort in practise for his 100 Km ride. So far he has been sponsored for a staggering 1500 euros. People of the Clover and Condado Club have been so generous. We are hoping to make the total up to 2000 euros which will make an incredible 20 euros for every 1 kilometre he pedals. Now wouldn’t that be something. So if you are on site be sure to sponsor Steve or if not press the donate button and mark it for Steve.
More than ever
CPR needs you!