Can anyone shed some light on the golf membership details?. I believe everyone that paid the 1000€ reservation fee for the membership have received details, however, I did not pay and now hear different stories depending on who I speak to. I know someone interested in buying a resale property. He was told that unless he bought throught the official sales office that he couldn't get a membership and that him and his wife would have to buy one each at approx. 30.000€ per person. Please could somebody please outline the basic details and advise if this is the case or just a way of the sales office earning commission from a sale!? The golf membership is important to these people and one day I may be interested as an owner - how does that work? Can you get one at any time? I appreciate prices will increase but if you do not have the membership but are an owner, how much do you pay for the golf? Your feedback would be very much appreciated.