Dear All,
Just an update on how things are playing out at the moment for us.
Our second hearing against the bank was in early December at Alicante, we found out after only 3 days that the judge had ruled in our favour. Brilliant news that we are getting our full deposit back but disappointing that we haven't been awarded costs and the interest is from when we started the proceedings NOT from when we paid the deposit. A difference of about 7 years in our case.
We should just about come out with our full deposit I am told after costs etc.
we do have the option to appeal but do not think we have the appetite for another 2 year epic.
we are really happy we won the case but it does seem that unlike in the UK ( I do have experience of UK courts) that Spanish judges can ignore stated cases or rulings made elsewhere, and I am at a total loss in the reasoning on 1. Not issuing costs and 2. Awarding interest from when the proceedings started - if we win the case in my eyes the bank are at fault and have the responsibility for all costs and losses.
It does appear that judges act independently and you are in the luck of the draw on the day- another reason for probably not appealing is that I do not trust the system and who is to say things will not alter in 2 years, I prefer to have the money in my account now.