Addresses, GPS co-ord's, etc, of businesses to help everyone, required.

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18 Apr 2016 8:42 PM by PopRivet Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

PopRivet´s avatar

Hello everyone.

Since arriving in Sierra Golf (SG), Balsicas, my wife and I have been successful at finding certain distributors, shops, agents, etc, sometimes with the useful help offered by others and often by luck.

However, there are some sources we have been unable to locate, which made us think if we are having problems then so might others.

For this reason I ask all who read this, if you know the address of anywhere you consider handy and worth noting please send me the details (name, address, GPS, or whatever) and I will put them together in an Alphabetically-indexed Directory on-line for all to use. Anything from Carrefour, Tien21, Learoy-Merlin, and all the rest. DIY stores, hardware-suppliers, electronics, household, furniture, restaurants, charity-shops, 2nd-hand-stores, food, doctors, clinics, vets, ... anything at all. Please pass on this request to others.

I will make it freely available. It will be so useful to one & all.

Go on, make everyone's day. I look forward to receiving lots of useful info, in order to help others.

My philosophy is to help others whenever possible, in the hope it will be available if & when we need it. Fingers crossed.

And, as I'm computer-literate ( building/repairing inc ), and already highly-experienced in what I'm about to suggest, I might be persuaded to start a SG Newsletter. Perhaps. It's a thought!

Or perhaps not, as a Post Script. Not one individual has shown any interest in my doing a Newsletter so it will never happen.


This message was last edited by PopRivet on 18/04/2016.

This message was last edited by PopRivet on 18/04/2016.

This message was last edited by PopRivet on 26/04/2016.

Do for others as you would wish others would do for you. Scotty.

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18 Apr 2016 10:17 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

What a great idea, good luck with this and will look at my own list, sorry possibly cannot run to GPS info

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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18 Apr 2016 10:39 PM by PopRivet Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

PopRivet´s avatar

Thanks Inspectahomespain, any good information will do. If I visit any mentioned sites I will personally take a GPS co-ord reading and update anything offered/recorded. That will make it easy to find.

I have to add, having a GPS (SATNAV) is the best thing ever. They are reasonably cheap and quite invaluable to locating an address... usually. I bought mine on Ebay for about £35

Come on everyone, put your thinking caps on and start sending me business names and addresses, etc.


This message was last edited by PopRivet on 18/04/2016.

This message was last edited by PopRivet on 18/04/2016.

This message was last edited by PopRivet on 26/04/2016.

Do for others as you would wish others would do for you. Scotty.

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19 Apr 2016 8:01 AM by llamacalmer Star rating in Surrey & La Torre. 318 forum posts Send private message

llamacalmer´s avatar

Galgos del Sol (Spanish hunting dogs) have a large charity shop in San Javier.  They are always looking for items to sell, including furniture, which they are able to collect - useful for getting rid of the original furniture pack some of the houses came with!  They are next to the camp site at c/Sierra del Molar, No 2, 30730 San Javier.  Tel:  663 974 660.



 Owner of  8 stray Spanish mutts


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19 Apr 2016 12:37 PM by mandjfoster Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

That's a great idea! I'm afraid I can't contribute anything as I'm still in the uk but will be moving over to SG in the summer and I will certainly be buying lots of stuff and using you list if it's up and running by then. Nice one!

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25 Apr 2016 9:51 PM by PopRivet Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

PopRivet´s avatar

Hi again. My wife and I visited a Pologono (Industrial/Shopping Centre) near Cartagena, where we parked our car in the middle of a huge carpark, surrounded by, Carrefour, Primark, Learoy-Merlin, the biggest Chinese-Bazar ever and lots, lots more. We shopped until we almost dropped. DIY, clothes, shoes, car-parts, KFC & MacDonalds, you name it - it was there. Aldi and everything else you might need. Furniture too. We spent an entire day there and we intend going back when we need to buy most things all at once.

Basically, head for Cartagena on the motorway, by-passing San Javier & Los Alcazares, heading to Junction 191, almost 44 Kilometres away. Set you speedometer reading to zero before you set off for a reasonably accurate level for your destination.

The GPS co-ord's for this carpark are as follows... N37° 37' 28.0"     W0° 56' 57.9"

There are lots of shops and outlets, far too many to mention, and we only scratched the surface. We bought ourselves everything from a new mobile-phone to engine-oil to clothes and shoes. A new carpet for our caravan and all kinds of different things, including various tools from L.Merlin.

What a brilliant place! It's about the same distance as the Neuvo Condiminea at Murcia... but without the suicidal roundabouts and mindless idiots anxious to get to wherever they're heading for. Hell, for many - no doubt.

It's an easy route and well worth the visit.

I highly recommend this shopping precinct for almost everything.

So, the question remains... if others know of these places why don't they do a little writing to let us all know?

C'mon folks, type a little.


This message was last edited by PopRivet on 26/04/2016.

Do for others as you would wish others would do for you. Scotty.

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27 Apr 2016 11:35 AM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 forum posts Send private message

Hi PopRivet

If you like the shopping in Cartegena, have you tried La Zenia Boulevard yet?  It has open air and underground parking and is very easy to get to, sorry don't know the gps but it's a good place to go as well.



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