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Sierra Golf forum threads
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07 Apr 2016 10:02 AM by M1614 Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi, can anyone tell me the post code for Sierra Golf, as I am having some building materials delivered there in a couple of weeks.

I have the post code from my electric & water bills but this I think is for the post office in Balsicas as my sat nav shows a location in the centre of the town.



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07 Apr 2016 10:30 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Postcodes in Spain don't work in the same way as the UK and are not specific to an address, but apply to an area which could be more than a hundred square miles and the houses on Sierra Golf don't show on the Google maps

The actual address for the resort is Urb Sierra Golf, Jeronimo y Avileses, Murcia 30592

I normally explain that the nearest town is Basilcas which is where, if you do a search on Sierra Golf on Google Maps, you get the location for

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07 Apr 2016 1:48 PM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 forum posts Send private message

Sometimes mentioning Balsicas can cause confusion with deliveries.  Balsicas is part of the administrative area of Torre Pacheco.  Sierra Golf, in Jeronimos Y Avileses is part of the Murcia administration.  The boundary is just on the outside of Balsicas - SG side.  Using the full address as Roy has said works, and lots of companies are now more aware that SG actually exists and where it is. 



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07 Apr 2016 6:58 PM by M1614 Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

That`s great, thanks for your help.


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