OK fellas... For some reason, I am struggling with "Underswing" and a "slow" one too.
I play Tour mode and for some reason, I almost always have like -2 or -3% underswing and a slow up or follow-through swing.
Any advice for me guys? I cannot seem to shake this. Guys are crushing me off the tee.
How can I have an underswing anyway? I could swear that my down motion goes all the way? I usually start the up-motion when
the bubble fills up.
Bottom line: Is an underswing just caused by not allowing the bubble to fill up all the way? A buddy of mine says he gets
over-swing at times. How is that done?
Then how do I have a slow up-motion? It feels like I am moving it fast when going up. My same buddy says he almost always has
a fast swing like +1%. Is that all about a really fast up-move??
Have you guys experienced this? Were you able to fix it or any advice for me? I keep trying to do things differently, but I
keep getting like -3% short swing and -4% slow swing. Any advice would be appreciated.