The Dip

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The Comments
23 Dec 2016 4:46 PM by Roger Davis Star rating in Balsicas , COSTA C.... 93 forum posts Send private message

Roger Davis´s avatar

One would think that as this is  the third time since the farmers erected their fence , with a concrete base, and also filled the trench  they dug for pipework  with soil , instead of concrete or  tarmac and the rains and floods have washed the whole lot away , leaving the bottom of the dip full of stones , gravel and sand , that they may now think they could save a whole lot of money by using said concrete or tarmac .

Furthermore , is it not possible for the farmers and Urmosa to get together and lay 10 to 15 agriculural pipes at the bottom of the dip , cover them with hardcore to a height of about 3 or 4 feet , and lay tarmac over the top ? I can't see this costing more than about five to ten thousand euros and would save EVERYONE a whole lot of trouble and heartache . As things stand , eventually a real emergency will arise with someone needing an ambulance or the fire brigade and some one may actually die.

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