Vote for your Jardin 5 ( Not Naranjos) new president

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The Comments
13 Jan 2017 9:30 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Its been years since I added a thread on EOS but feel this is important

We bought off plan & always voted for a garden preedent. In the past there was little choice but last year Carol Powel, resedent living in Jardin 5 put her self forward. She didnt get enough votes to gain the presidency but did become deputy. Since then Carol has kept those of us she is aware off updated on a daily basis. Even if she isnt your property manager  shestill checks your apartment which is great to know when there is heavy rainfall etc. Last year was the first year we felt we knew what was going on having Never ever hearing from the elected president. Carol has also started a Jardin 5 ( Not Naranjos 5) facebook page. She will be looking to gain AS MANY VOTES AS IS POSSIBLE THIS YEAR. I HAVE COPPIED A COMMUNICATION SOME OF US RECEIVED A FEW DAYS AGO THAT SHE HAS PERMITTED ME TO PUT ON HERE BUT AS IT APPLIES TO ALL THEN PLEASE FEEL FREE TO READ THE CONTENTS

Hi Everyone
I have just got my pack for the AGM with my proxy form. I thought I would open this out to everyone. Forgive me if I have misread the proxy form but hopefully this will open up the topic to some nice healthy discussion that doesn't get personal.
On the proxy form. The cost for the painting of the wood is to be an extra 10 euros (for a middle property) per quarter for three years. That's €120 euros in total per property which is extortionate. It took me three hours to do it at a cost of €10 euros for varnish. It is also important to note I don't believe this has gone out to tender as is just the architects estimate (so could rise)
My issue is there is no option at all to decline this. So all the people who submit proxy votes are affectively agreeing to this even if they do not wish to have to pay this cost. I think this is wrong. People should have the right to decline a proposal.
I personally believe ML should take a different approach with matters like this and treat owners with some respect and trust. ML should give owners with a date by which they get this done themselves. ML can offer residents a price if they want to use ML. owners may prefer to use the many resident odd jobbers to do this. This has the added benefit of building the prosperity of our community economy. Any owners who don't get it done by the date then ML should arrange the works to be done and charge these owners accordingly.
The second point to highlight is the proxy says a cost for the ventilation but it doesn't make it clear if this is a one off cost or not. I am assuming it is a one off cost but if it is not, is it being added to the quarterly fees? If it is being added then for how long?
Thirdly we are voting on paying extra for the medical service. I thought we were in the process of petitioning for these services to be funded by the 'local government' in the area. So if we start paying for the service full time are we now undermining our position?
Last but not least there is no mention of costs to replace the lighting. This was previously mentioned by ML in a letter last month. Does this mean this will raise itself as another extra cost we end up paying outside of our fees?
Look forward to getting your views.
is there anything we can do about this before the AGM to get the forms amended with the option to decline?

If anyone wants any more info please contact Carol Powell via fb or pm me


This message was last edited by hamibabe on 14/01/2017.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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