I wonder if anyone can help me, me and my husband are owners on Condado (from the early days) having had the apartment a number of years we would really like to give living there foe a while in the next couple of years. We would be early retirees with our income coming from the UK the problem this gives us is healthcare, i believe after 1 year we can apply for a covenio especial which would allow us to acces the spanish health system byt until then due to the fact we wont be working hence not paying into the spainsh system we cannot, I have Crohns disease and Crohns related Arthritis and I cant find a private health insurance that will cover these
so we seem to be a an impasse.
Can i just walk into a doctors surgery in spain and pay to get treated and to get prescriptions (I know I will have to pay 100% of my prescription fees) or does anyone have any advice on how I can legally resolve this issue????
All advice welcomed