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windtalker's latest forum comments

26 Jan 2025 5:49 PM:

Just Google shopping mall in Loz Alaczares it's all in English... the majority of outlets will deliver to your door.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 1/26/2025.
Thread: Hola! Buenas Dias! Can anyone help, please? 🙏

10 Dec 2024 9:31 AM:

Something you should be made aware of all these various car hire excess insurance policies, are exactly what it says on the contract,  the policie will only  will only cover you up to the agreed excess basically covering your withheld bank card amount if you cause damage that exceeds the excess policy cover  the hire company with come after you for the outstanding amount  for any damage you caused over the held deposit this is a fact.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 12/13/2024.
Thread: Car hiring in Spain

10 Dec 2024 8:52 AM:

The vast majority of private land lines in the UK have been closed down ,and will  continue to be closed down by telephone companies due to the fact that people use the Internet to make and receive calls via WiFi on a mobile phone,why would you want to pay to make a expensive landline call when you can call for free  on the likes of what's app and so forth. 



This message was last edited by windtalker on 12/13/2024.
Thread: Calls to UK

01 Oct 2024 7:31 PM:

What's the point of making these illegal immigrants, Spanish citezens if the Spanish Government isn't going to provide the social Government housing for them to live in.. 🤔  this will inevitably cause a great strain on the Spanish infrastructure, and will eventually cause problems in Tourist areas when these people start demonstrating in the street waving placards that say Tourist are not welcome. 

Thread: Spain's 2025 regularization: A new pathway for undocumented residents

04 Aug 2024 9:53 AM:

If it's just you that's complaining or you are part of a very small number of owners that are not happy with the way your  Community is  being run .. whilst the vast majority of the community of owners are happy with the community management.. then the only answer to your problems might be to simply sell up and move on to another urbanisation that is more to your liking.. I have been in the same situation in the past myself through no fault of my own and just simply move on as life is far to short to be unhappy with something that can easily changed. 


This message was last edited by windtalker on 8/4/2024.
Thread: Double Majority - LPH - New Community of Owners


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British epats leaving Spain why.
"Hi I have just got back from Spain after spending a week at my holiday home I have not been over to my villa for 9 months due to business commitments hear in the U.K ,I was shocked to find that only 2 villas out of 120 had full time occupants and all the rest where locked up it reminded me of a ghost town why are so many expats leaving Spain."
Last Updated: 5/10/2013 8:07:25 PM
Lifetime Views: 4612

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