Dear Captain and anyone else who may have believed the promotion nonsense,
thanks to this excellent website you can discover from other self confessed "suckers" that these promotions are almost totally dishonest. The sickening truth is made worse by the very many lawyers who are so deeply embroiled. Lawyers who we naively thought were honest and were actually working for their fee paying clients. Wise men will tell you that it is just the way things are done here, historically it is the way things have developed and is "normal" for the region. "Just the way it is".
If you don't want to believe Ian yet, try this:-
"Hi all
An issue which we have not seen raised is the conservation area around the development. We were told that the lettering on the plan according to Spanish regulations/law indicated that this was a conservation area never to be built on. Unfortunately, like Sking100 we too were naive in not getting various items in writing. Sking100 said he was flabbergasted with himself. We will go a bit further than that with ourselves!!
What sold the development to us was the views and the conservation area to protect the views. We were also told that the maximum build height was 12 metres as decreed by the Council. We feel that the habitation licence issued by the same Council was the same as a rubber cheque.
When we saw the level of development in the area one year after we signed on the dotted line (June 2004) we put our apartment up for sale. We never had one enquiry. Due to our naivity, we started looking around the Costa del Sol and we came across various people who had bought apartments on other developments for views only to lose them with developments built in front. One man bought 4 apartments on the edge of a rock face which went down to a road. He was assured that no development would ever take place because of the rock face, road etc. 2 years on the new development in front of his apartments is almost finished! This was going to be his home and rental income to support him. It isn't now!!
Sking100 has asked if anyone has anything in writing about the connecting road, all moving in on time etc etc. We would add to this does anyone have anything in writing about the conservation area?
We would be interested in anyone's views... We are in block 19."
This from a buyer on another "prestige" development in the area.
The only other buyers/suckers you should beware of are the ones who don't want anything "negative" posted in case it "affects" their resale or "bale-out" possibilities.
As Ian says "forewarned is forearmed". Be wise and take note.
This message was last edited by normansands on 9/5/2007.