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We are over completing on June 10th and was wondering would anyone like to share their knowledge on what happens what to look out for etc.
Many thanks and looking forward to meeting new neighbours and friends.
Kev & Jess
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Hi there, Stan and Diane here from 46, if you are with Iberian and are using their solicitors then you will get a bill for approx 700 euro on top of what you have already paid, do not think there was any more surprises, we are out there from the 10th June hope to meet up with you,
Stan and Diane
Diane and Stan 
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We're with Iberian.
Is that 700 euros part of the 4% remaining?
The completion letter included the 7% iva , water/electricity and "nie costs"
What else apart from the solicitor is there in that 4% left ?
Carol & Neil
(22 on 3)
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Thanks Stan&Diane.
We are with Iberian and on the letter it states to allow another 4% but for what we don't know. We are arriving on the 10th too for 8 days look forward to meeting you. We are in 17 fase III
Thanks again
Kev & Jess
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Not sure about the 4% I have been trying to find our liquidation letter, looks like I have put it somewhere safe! all I can tell you is we had to pay 860euro direct to Aroca (have found the receipt for that) they reckon that we need to deposit approx. 1.800 euros a year in the account to cover wealth and income tax, local rates, fiscal fees, community charges, electric, water and insurance. Insurances and taxes are paid up front also, we took out insurance with the Banco De Valencia and Aroca are acting fiscal reps. think that was also an extra 150 euro a year (approx) for their services. I think when we completed a lot went straight over our heads, there is so much information to take in, you think you have done your homework, but you kinda get pulled along. Its all worth it in the end, when you go to the notary office, you could be there for hours, you will have a interpreter to go through the contract page by page with you then you just have to wait for all parties involved to be present at the same time, take something to read and plenty to drink, you could be lucky and be in and out, on the other hand some have taken all day, we were about two and half hours.
Good luck all,
see you in Spain
Stan and Diane 
Diane and Stan 
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Anyone who has yet to complete, (although I don't think there can be many left!) we now know that the process is made as smooth and easy as possible. We needn't have worried about any of the little things at all!!
A big thanks to everyone over in Hurchillo last week, as you all made us feel very welcome, and the friendly atmosphere just confirms we've made a good choice.
Hope to see you all again soon, next time with our girls too,
Carol & Neil
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